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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Help! Totally clueless!! How do you write a good query letter to a literary agen

Question: Help! Totally clueless!! How do you write a good query letter to a literary agent!?
Give me the format, how to start it out, etc!. 10 points best answer!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A query letter is a 1-page attention grabber that gives busy agents enough information about you and your project to tickle their interest without boring them with details!. These people are constantly shuffling hundreds of pages of manuscripts, letters, and faxes, and the last thing they have time for is some unsolicited bore!. Keep it short and to the point, and use the following structure!.

1!. The Teaser: In the first paragraph, toss out a teaser!. Come up with a first sentence that really grabs the agent's attention!. If you're a former astronaut or a Harvard lawyer, throw it at them!. But you don't need to be incredible to survive this beauty pageant - what you really need is a nice fit between who you are and what the book you've written is about!. For example, "I have been a school janitor for 30 years and I propose to write a book about all the incredible things I have found in kids' lockers!." Now, there's nothing unbelievable about that combination, but there must be a compelling fit between who you are and what you intend to write!.

2!. Expanding the Idea: Next, write 3 or 4 sentences about what you will write, and if you have a great example of an anecdote that exemplifies your idea, be sure to include it!. Rather than lamenting the constraint of having only a paragraph to make your pitch, celebrate the fact that you can show off your best stuff!.

3!. All About You: The third paragraph should contain more information about yourself!. Provide another 3 or 4 sentences describing relevant facts that demonstrate the connection between you and your idea!. If that means flexing your academic credentials, be sure to do so, but only if those accolades are relevant to your idea!. Perhaps your idea requires you to demonstrate that you are a dirtbag!. Fine - the cardinal rule is to show that you have a good idea for a book, and that you are the perfect person to write it!.

4!. The Closer: In the final paragraph, mention that you will show your proposal to only one agent at a time - agents don't like having to worry that someone else is going to snatch their prize!. Mention why you have decided to send it to them, perhaps alluding to having seen their credentials in the directory of agents!. Finally, be sure to tell them how to get in touch with you with a phone number, address, and email information!. Remember, this query letter should be an appetite-wetting morsel!. Do not exceed 1 page or you can kiss the agents' attention goodbye!. Keep it short and make it a tease!. Check out this sample query letterWww@QuestionHome@Com

Try the Absolute Write forums or Writer's Diget forums!. Get involved with other authors and learn from them!.

It's a simple business letter, but you need to have a great hook, a short blurb, a bit about you and your resume as it relates to your writing, and a confident but not cocky tone!.

But this is really not the best venue for this question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Alright, first you want to get the editor's name and spell it right!.
say Mr/Mrs!. ____,
then hook them!. if it's a nonfiction book, establish your market!. For example, if your book was written for family and friends of those suffering Alzheimers, you could write something like:
Do you know 5 million people in the U!.S!. have Alzheimer's!?
that tells them that there is a market for your book!. If you can't think of a market for your book, there probably isn't one!.

If your book is fiction, do a "what if" statement!. Example: What if your best friend was a werewolf and you were the only one that knew!?
this works especially well for science fiction, but it can work for any fiction book!.
take 1-2 paragraphs about your book and its plot, and then do a paragraph about yourself, your life, and if your book is non-fiction, what qualifies you to write it!. (Did your parents have Alzheimer's, are you a doctor, ect!.)
the whole thing should not be more than a page! editors have to read lots of these every day, they will not read past the first page!.
Close with "Sincerely, ______"
include a self addressed, stamped envelope if you want a reply!.

Good luck, and if you get rejected your first time, keep trying!Www@QuestionHome@Com