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Question: How about these for Character Names!?
These are the names I currently have for some of my characters - who are vampires!.

Kingsley -twins

What do you think of them!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They're fine, I guess!.!.!. I don't really have much opinion on them as a whole!. But I do want to ask, how are you pronouncing Leighton!? To me it looks like it's pronounced Lee-ton, but I don't even know what gender that is - the Leigh part looks feminine but the pronunciation as a whole sounds masculine!. I suggest either scrapping the name altogether, changing the spelling (if it is a masculine name), or changing the -ton part of it (so that the name is Leigh-whatever, or just Leigh, if it's feminine)!. Oh, and definately change the spelling if I'm getting the pronunciation wrong (for instance - I could see it being pronounced Lay-ton, but that's definately masculine, and Leigh always sounds like Lee!.!.so change something up there)!.

Other comments -
~ Imogen makes me think of the singer (Imogen Heap)!. This isn't necessarily a good or bad thing, but keep it in mind, because some of your readers will think the same!.
~ Casper!.!.!. the friendly ghost!? Again, not really good or bad, but people will make the connection!.
~ Selwyn - what's the gender!? Like Leighton, pronunciation seems masculine but spelling is feminine!.
~ If you're making your vampires the typical eternal ones, and Madison is a female who was "born" a long time ago, I'd think of a different name!. Madison wasn't used as a female first name until the mid-1980's!. However, if Madison is an "old" male, you should be fine; Madison was used as a male first name from the mid-1800's (or earlier) up till around 1950!.
~ Kingsley is rather uncommon, no matter what time period!. However, -- again, this only applies if your vampires are "old" -- in past centuries, a son was sometimes given his mother's maiden name as a first name, so that could work here!. I'm not saying that your vampires need common names, but up until the mid-1900's, uncommon names were more than just "uncommon"!.!.!. they were weird (and not in a good way)!.
~ Another history-related comment: Vanessa wasn't used for a name until the early 1700's!.!.!. just in case you're going back that far!.

As you can probably see, I'm not a fan of gender-ambiguous names and I'm kind of big on the whole historical-accuracy thing!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like them except for Casper!. Unless its a friendly vampire!. Personally I wouldn't use that one because its in a child's movie!. I know its odd but I worry that someone might pick it up and think its a childs book when they see "Casper" or something like it and give it to their kid when it's not a kid's book!. Just my usual weirdness! lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Vanessa and Gloria are too cheerfull sounding!.!.!.!. But i like Laura!! Thats my name!. i think that casper is a bit too cheerful also!. i really like selwyn, imogen, leighton, and kingsleyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some of them are very!.!.!. vampirish!.!.!. but the rest seem to modern unless the vampires are modern people living among us!.!.!. then there fine, if there in the old fashion witch burning days!.!.!.change!.!.!. Laura!.!.!.!. Gloria!.!.!.!.!.Gregory!.!.!.!.Madison!.!.!. and Vanessa!.!. :]]]]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really like casper and leighton
oh and imogen,
to me they sound the most vampirish!.
but heck they can all be vampires!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they're nothing special and not really vampireish!. Try some obscure or older names instead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very old time vampiresque!Www@QuestionHome@Com

eh!.!.!. their alrightWww@QuestionHome@Com