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Question: Twilight series!.!?
Hey, well i read all the book of Twilight already out but it was a while ago and i remember the first and second book fairly well but the last i cant remember anything! I remember that Edward asked Bella to marry him and she wants to be a vampire and I think Victoria made an army of younge vampires and the warewolves and vampires worked together to defeat the army and victoria!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.anything else i might have forgoten!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There was a couple of parts, you know, when Edward went hunting and he told Alice to "kidnap" Bella as a "slumber party"!. At her first slumber party, Rosalie came and told Bella why she didn't want her to become a vampire, and she told her how SHE became one!. The next day, she ends up escaping with Jacob on his motorcycle and back to La Push!. Jacob asked Bella when she was going to turn into a "bloodsucker", and she said after graduation!. That made Jake extremely mad, and it forced Bella to also get angry, riding away on her motorcycle!.

There was also one part when Bella called Jacob and asked him if she could come over!. Of course he said yes, and this was all after when they found out about the vampires targeting Bella!.!.!.I think!. Anyway, she came over and Jacob ended up sleeping through most of her visit, until the little while after he woke up, he told Bella that he really love her, and that he wanted her to choose him instead of Edward!. Then!.!.!.Jacob kisses her, making Bella even more mad and to punch him in the jaw!. No progress since he was a werewolf, and it broke Bella's hand!. So Jacob drives her back to her house, and then Bella calls Edward!. He comes to pick her up and to take her to Carlisle, so she can get her hand fixed!.

You know about the army assembling!.!.!.and Bella didn't want Edward to go so she wanted him to stay with her!. He agreed, and they go "camping"!. Jacob ended up tagging along, and he went outside after Bella woke up in the tent on the day of the fight!. She and Edward were talking about their best and worst nights, and about the marriage thing when there was a howl from outside!. Bella knew that it was Jacob, and Edward explained that he had heard everything, and that he knew Jake was eavesdropping!. This made Bella feel very bad and Edward went to get Jake for her!. He brings Jacob back, and then he and Seth leave to go back to the clearing due to some complications, leaving Jacob with Bella!. Jacob knew that it was his fault for making Bella's life miserable, so he suggests going back to the fight and taking his life away!. Bella pleads even more, and then ends up asking him to kiss her!.!.!.they do, and Bella realizes that she loves Jacob too, not just Edward, which was why she couldn't say goodbye to him that easily!.

Now you know about the fight, I suppose, and that Victoria ended up where Edward was protecting Bella!.!.!.they go back to the clearing after Edward kills Victoria and Seth kills Riley, a newborn Victoria had with her for help!. Leah Clearwater, a new werewolf to join the pack, was being cocky at that time!. There was a vampire hiding, and Leah decided to finish him off by herself!. The vampire aimed for her, and then Jacob came, knocking her out of the way but getting the blow by himself!. Bella fainted once Edward told her this, while they were racing back to the clearing!.

Another reason they were going back was because of the Volturi, as they were coming to see what the commotion was about!. There was a newborn named Bree, who had surrendered!. Jane, part of the Volturi, asks Bree what happened, and then Bree explains (after all of the tormenting and tortures from Jane)!. The Volturi group finishes Bree off because she has broken the rules, and the chapter ends there!.

The next chapter, Bella goes back to La Push, wanting to talk to Jacob!. They talked about some!.!.!.hard things, as Bella wanted him to call her every bad name he could think of for everything bad she was doing herself!.!.!.or what she thought!. They talked about the leaving part too, and then he too had to go back!. Edward picks her up when Bella couldn't drive anymore through her tears!. She cries through the whole night, and then gets kind of hysterical when she remembers that she promised for Edward to see her never shed another tear for Jacob Black!. The next morning, she stops crying, and she goes back to Alice!. Alice shows Bella her wedding dress, and then Bella tries to make her happy on letting her do her wedding for her!. Then she goes with Edward back to their meadow!.

Bella tells Edward that she wants to do everything first, to reorder everything in her mind, to make sure that her priorities were right!. Edward thought that she was just hurting herself by making everyone else party, but Bella disagrees and says that she really just wanted to do everything right!. She decides that it was time to tell Charlie about their marriage at the end of Eclipse!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob and Bella kiss twice!.

1 - Bella was taking a walk with bella in La Push when she was visiting, they stopped to have a conversation and before Bella could finish her sentence Jacob kisses her and she tries to pull away but isnt strong enough and when they pull apart she punches him in the face and breaks her hand!.

2 - Jacob threatens to kill himself in the middle of the fight between werewolves and vampires unless Bella kisses him!. So she kisses him and then after a looong time she is trying to pull away by tugging on his hair and he takes it the wrong way and pulls her closer!. Edward reads his mind and finds out it was just a trick and he would have still kissed her even if she said no!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya well Bella realized she loves Jacob and when he told her he loves her, she was fighting back because i guess u could say that she didn't want to admit it so when he goes off to fight against Victoria's vamps, she realizes how much she doesn't want him to go so well she calls him over and says i love u to him and they kiss! but Edward just wants to make her happy and later she decides that she loves Edward and that she neeeds him , so she accepts marrying him and told Renee and Charlie about them getting married and they were sort of okay so now, so far, Alice is making the wedding party, and who knows how overdone it would be because remembering the graduation party, but this time she promised not to go overboard, but we'll see about that!.!.

hoped it helped u remember some of the main things ;PWww@QuestionHome@Com

i'd suggest reading it again, but theres the whole jacob kissed bella thing!. and the tent!. and then theres jacob leaving and bella accepting the proposal!.!.!. theres alot but im trying to hit main points which im sure you also did!.!.!. so yeah, youve got 5 days, i'd suggest skimming it!. dont full out read it unless your sure you can read it in timeWww@QuestionHome@Com

i suggest that you just read the sreies again!. Its well worth it and the books are my favorite ever!. Just read them again and remember what happens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Um!.!. Edward and Jacob team up
Charlie doesnt like Edward anymore
Bella wants Edward (you know!.!.!.!.!.sex!.)
Edward gives bella ring
Victoria is the one who collected Bellas belongings
Try reading the book again! lol!Www@QuestionHome@Com

just re read it! I'm sure you'll be fine! once you start reading, everything will come rushing back into your mind! : )

Check out my twilight fan site!

Just re read it or try and skim some parts that youthink might possibly have some things that you think are worth reading coz there are some crucial parts in thereWww@QuestionHome@Com

Read it again :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

bella finds she loves jacob as well and at the end he runs away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

just read it again thats what i did!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read it again! It will be SO MUCH MORE accurate than any of the answers here at Y!A!.Www@QuestionHome@Com