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Question: Authors and books similar to Jodi Picoult!?
Jodi's books are fantastic!. What are some other authors that are similar to Jodi Picoult!? and books that you can't put down no matter how hard you try!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jude Deveraux books! Everything by her is absolutely amazing!. They are romance based books but quite a few of them have plots that can't put down good!. I would recommend!.

The summerhouse
Return to the Summerhouse
The Forever Trilogy!.
Those are her time travel based books!.

The time Traveler's Wife!. Not by Jude Deveraux but at the second I can't remember who it is by!.

The Harry Potter Books!.

Nora Roberts
Especially her trilogies!.
Into the Garden
The Quinn Brothers
Heart of the Sea

Fern Michael's another great author especially The Nosy neighbor

Louis Ducan all her books are great!

Nicholas Sparks I love everything by him!.

Good Luck on your book hunt! All of these books are really good!. All are can't put down reads! And most of them loosely remind me of Jodi Picoult books!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really love Jodi Picoult and her story lines!. Cage of Stars by Jacquelyn Mitchard writes like Jodi does and has the same kind of books!. also The Time Travler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger was super good and I read it in three days!. Oh and look at some Joy Fielding books and Tess Gerritsen books, they are both suspenseful writers and both of their books are amazing! Hope that helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go to www!.whatishouldreadnext!.com!. It's an awesome site!. You type in what book or author you like and it gives you a list of ten books that are similar to those that you mentioned!. It's great!Www@QuestionHome@Com