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Question: Anarchist cookbook!?
i've heard about it and all, but is is possible to find one of the old ones, ya know, before all of the pictures and stuff were taken out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The earliest and no doubt complete version of 'The Anarchist's Cookbook' by William Powell and Peter Bergman is available (barely) at Amazon!.
It was published in paperback in 1971, a second printing!.
The only copies at Amazon are six new and used priced from $19!.95, with shipping and handling for used books always at $3!.99!.
So it's about a $24!.00 book, plus a bit of tax!.

They have other 'Cookbooks' from '71, '72, though all those are currently unavailable!.
If you just be sure you're in the Books category through the link above, and put 'The Anarchist's Cookbook' in the search box, you'll see this one in the # 3 spot!.
Others, the unavailable ones, are beneath it!. There are more pages to look at, but they digress to other books that only mention this one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

http://www!.anarchistcookbookz!.com/ !?Www@QuestionHome@Com