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Question: Translating a book!?
I'm thinking about translating a book from another language into english and maybe getting it published!. It's a fantasy actually - but i want to know whether we have to go through the exact same steps (finding and agent, etc!.) as publishing a normal book!. also, who gets the copyright, whose name gets to be on the cover (not that it matters - just curious), and any extra info!. I really loved the story - it's actually quite similar to twilight though it was published before that and i liked it more than twilight!. thnx for the help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I would first find a way to contact the author and see if she or he wants the book translated to English!. If the author is agreeable, the two of you should talk/meet/email each other regarding how it can be done!.

The 'meetings' should next include the author's agent and/or editor and/or publisher if translation is agreed upon!. That is the point at which you discuss the nuts and bolts of being a paid translator: like paid by who and paid how much, with a contract in the air!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The writers name goes on the cover, you only get mentioned on the inside!. Go ahead translate as many as you like, (for practice) BUT don't let anybody else read it!. And when you finished, you write to the copy right house and ask for written permission!! also make sure you have a purchased copy with proof of purchase!. And don't feel bad if they say no!! The writer often translate it himself/herself!.