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Question: Jill and the Island of Misfit Morality Characters!?
Jill escaped the Death Plains of Evil Characters with little more than than the clothes on her back!. She crossed a vast ocean, and landed on a strange Island!. The grass was purple, the sky was green, and all the characters just seemed a little off!. There was Pidgy the "Pot is Good For You" Pigeon, Oscar the "Obesity is Healthy" Otter, and a host of other missed the mark mascots!.

But it occurred to Jill that she may be able to whip them into shape to battle the evil characters that killed her friend Jack, and all the other kids of Taleville!.

Join Jill while she trains a group of misfits for the ultimate children's tale showdown!.

This is the rough concept for the next book in my Jack and Jill children's series!. What do you think!? Advice welcome!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It sounds great!.

There's only one potential problem with this: by having Jill escape from that horrible leathery monster, you may be giving other children the unreasonable expectation that they, too, can escape from the Death Plains of Evil Characters!. It may be a small point, but I felt compelled to bring it up!.

If you add Ducky, the "Violence is a Viable Alternative" Dove, you'll have an award winner!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Brilliant! I see lunch boxes, backpacks, and miscellaneous back to school merchandise!!

Will this be another 'morality with consequences' tale or will this be a 'happily ever after' tale!?

Some one needs to be the gritty voice of truth to the land of fairytale and dreams- Things aren't always perfect and the hero/heroine doesn't always have to finish first! Vet, you are just the one to do it!

I shall await your tale with baited breath!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it sounds great - kids will eat it up and parents will hate it!. That's a 5-star recipe for success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com