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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How many TOp COntributors here have read Twilight?

Question: How many TOp COntributors here have read Twilight!?
How many of you liked it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read all three of the books!.
I had fun reading them, but that's all!. I don't think they're good literature, I don't think they're well written, they contain many many flaws!.
There are many things about the books (and the obsession they create) that disturb me!.
I get angry at people who say they're the greatest books ever or are wonderful literature and who remain blind to the serious flaws and even more serious issues created by these books!. (by serious issues I mean girls believing Edward to be wonderful not realizing that if this were real life his behavior borders on psychotic and he is a controlling stalker)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read the first one!. My sister keeps begging me to read the rest of them, but I just don't have the time anymore!.

I wouldn't say I hate them!. But I am not ready to go marry them (or more specifically, any of the characters in them) either!. From what I read, it is an alright series!. I do think there is no need for all this madness around the books, but people like what they like, so I am willing to let them love what they do for at least a little while longer while the series is still popular!.

I know that not having read all of them may make a difference, but I will wait to see if it does!. The bottom line is that they're okay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I wish I could answer your question but I've never read them!. I hear about half the people I talk with on a daily basis love them and the other half hate them!. I guess it just depends on what you like!.
My youngest sister is 16 and loves all the books!. But my other sister that is 17 hates them!.
All I know is that whether you hate them or love them, I'm getting sick of people trashing them!.
Obviously Stephanie Meyer did well because she has a whole horde of girls and guys alike fawning over her characters!. It might be poorly written (not my opinion, but some that I've heard) but she must have done a killer job on making her characters come to life!. She reached her audience and in my mind that's a success!.
There will always be people loving and hating any work that is sweeping the nation that fast!.
I'm sure the same people that don't like Twilight don't like Eragon or HP and vice versa!.
Plus I'm sure a lot of the people that are bashing the Twilight series are writers as well!. They must be thinking, "This book sucks and mine is much better, why can't I get mine published!?"
Plus, Twlight has not only the teen tag attached to it but the romance tag as well!.!.!.!.the literary community is harder on those genres cause they think they're just a bunch of fluff with no real literary value!.
I can't even tell you how many times I get told to get a real job or write real stories instead of romance novels!. Its really frusterating!.
Bottom line is: People should just leave others alone and understand that what one person likes another might not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I know that Persiphone has read them!.
She hated them!. Loathed is probably a more fitting description of her feelings towards the series!.

I'm not a top contributor on here-- and I can't for the life of me figure out why, I've got a fairly high level and loads of best answers in Books and Authors (okay sorry I'm getting off topic now)-- and I hated them too!.

I'm pretty sure La Tourterelle is a Top Contributor, and I know she hates them!. LJK hates them, and he's a top contributer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read a bit of one - I could tell immediately what kind of book it was, and I knew that it wasn't for me!.

They are what they are!. They're entertaining novels for teenage girls!. If you don't try to imagine that they're anything other than that, it's fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Umm, Why So Serious!? [Team Jacob!]!. , I don't mind that you dislike the books but as you said you 'hated' them, why do you have team jacob on your nickname!?

Sorry i'm no top contributor but i was just wondering!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read it!. Didn't like it!. Won't bother to say why, cuz so many are doing such a good job!. Suffice to say it's just shocking, the attention it's received!.

I read them!.

I hated them!.

Can you give me my three days back!?

I read Generation Dead, and it was much better than expected!Www@QuestionHome@Com