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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need help! im writing a story, bu ti cant decide on the setting!!!!?

Question: I need help! im writing a story, bu ti cant decide on the setting!!!!!?
Well, I want to write a passionate love story, something similar to the 'Twilight' book written by Stephenie Meyer!. It will be written by the 16 year old girls point of view in the modern days!. I want the boy to be similar to edward!.!.I need help deciding on how the two characters should first meet though!.!.!.!. this is where you come in =) here are a few choices I came up with:

-Grocery shopping - they bang carts, he apologizes and introduces himself!.
-School class room - shes new!. he introduces himself!.
-School dance - Her date doesn't show up!. She starts sobbing!. He walks up to her and, concerned, asks her to dance!.
-Club - She saw her boyfreind dancing with another girl!. She runs out crying!. He sees her and,concerned, asks whats wrong!.
-Neighbour - She just moved in and he introduces himself!.
-Beach - Shes drowning!. Hes a lifeguard, rescues her!.

I would like to hear your opinion on ALL of them!. I also wouldn't mind to hear somethings you came up withWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think some of these (namely the grocery one, the beach one, and the school classroom one) are too cliche!. My favorite would probably be the school dance one!. But I don't think the guy would have come alone, so if you do that make sure you mention what happened to his date!.

A restaurant might also be interesting!. What if he were a waiter, and she comes to eat with her boyfriend!. Then her boyfriend dumps her over dinner, and the guy tries to cheer her up!. Just a thought!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think maybe the school dance or the club but defently not the beach oh and get real in the grocery store no way so yeah!.!.!. Oh and by the way never ever ever copy stephenie Meyer, u can not copy her books can not be similier to any book at all no one can do that she is a legend and is the next JK rowling or whatever anways no copying everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!

Sorry but thats the truth so yea !.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i kinda liked the school dance, and the beach!.

if she is sixteen she really wouldnt be in a club!. and sixteens dont like going grocery shopping!.

whatever you decide on try to make it less obvious that they are going to end up with each other!. all romance novels do it and its very annoying!.

oh and i kinda want to enhance on the beach thing you had going!. what if she lost her top and he was polite enough to give it to her without actually "looking" at her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alotWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm!.!.!. all of these sound a little overused!. maybe you could come up with something more original, no offense!. I write books, too, and i know its hard not to copy people, especially Stephenie Meyer, since she writes so well!. But really think of someplace unique, it will make your story more lovable and interesting!. Maybe they could meet because she calls a wrong phone number or knocks on the wrong door looking for her date, but then she realizes when he answers that THAT'S the guy she needs, not the one she was going to start dating in the first place!. I don't know!. Good luck! Hope it turns out well! Go writers!Www@QuestionHome@Com