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Question: Bartimaeus Trilogy!?
Is it any good!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A question I can answer!. It is one of the best books series you will ever come across!. I read it back when I was little and it was awesome!. I still love it til this day!.

It's about Nathaniel--John Mandrake--who wants to become a magician!. Well, he summons a djinn named Bartimaeus and together they defeact Lovelace--the villian in the first book!. It's hilarious and it switches from between John and Bartimaeus' point of views!. There are little footnotes from Bartimaeus to explain things or to tell little stories and they are always funny!.

Their relationship is great, the storyline is original, the characters are developed well and the pace is great and even!. You need to read it!. Totally takes the cake for best fantasy series out there!. It's not over-hyped and that's great as well!.

You should definitely read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's one of the best fantasy series I have ever had the pleasure to read!. Bartimaeus is a sarcastic (and utterly hilarious) djinni that narrates most of the story!. His master is the young magician, Nathaniel!. As the books progress, so does their relationship!. It really is a wonderful series, and I always tell fantasy fans to read it!. It's better than Harry Potter and Twilight put together, in my opinion!. Please read it! This is one fantasy that deserves more hype than people give it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

my sister and i LOVE it!. Bartimaeus has an awesome personality!. you almost feel like you have a personal relationship with him while reading the books!. i highly recomendWww@QuestionHome@Com