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Question: What the hell is Twilight about!?
I'm a New Zealander and we don't have it here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Okay!. I will try to be impartial when answering this, but you might as well know: I HATE TWILIGHT!.
Twilight is about a human girl, Bella Swan, and a vampire guy, Edward Cullen, and a werewolf, Jacob Black!. The whole series is basically Bella screwing them both over, and she's supposed to choose between them in the last book coming out in 6 days!. It's really just another teen romance novel, but it's got vampires!. I hate how my library classifies it as fantasy, because it's not!. Just because it's got a hot vampire in it does not make it fantasy!.
I guess it depends on the type of person you are!. If you're into the whole follower-not-leader thing, then this is the book for you!. EVERYONE and their mom has read this book, and the annoying "OMG EDWARD OR JACOB!?!" questions flood this section daily!.
If you've read and enjoyed classic books, this book will make you laugh because it's obvious that Stephanie Meyer (author) tried to copy Jane Austen and Emily Bronte in Twilight!. Without success, I might add ;)
All in all, Twilight's a popcorn book!. You read it, enjoy it (or hate it!), and forget about it!. No one is going to hand it down to their kids and say "This book changed my life!", and in 5 years, no one will even remember it (except maybe a few psycho fangirls)!.
You don't have it in New Zeland!? You're so lucky! All I can ever hear my friends talk about is how "HOTTTTTT EDWARD CULLEN IS!" Consider yourself blessed, friend!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its the best book ever!! its about a girl who moves to forksland and like she is just an average girl!. and then they have the cullen family who are gorgeous people and are only to them selves and dont talk to anyone but then edward cullen speaks to the girl and they fall in love!. she finds out he is a vampire and stays 17 forever and ever!. yet she still continues loving him!.!.!. alot more in the boook !.!. u should try ordering it online its reallly good!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

its the best book ever!! its about a girl who moves to forksland and like she is just an average girl!. and then they have the cullen family who are gorgeous people and are only to them selves and dont talk to anyone but then edward cullen speaks to the girl and they fall in love!. she finds out he is a vampire and stays 17 forever and ever!. yet she still continues loving him!.!.!. alot more in the boook !.!. u should try ordering it online its reallly good!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the contrary, I will pass this book down to my children, along with Pride and Prejudice and Wuthering Heights and 1984 and The Host and say, "These books changed the way I think about the world around me, here, enjoy!." :] I Love Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's so good! It's about a Vampire and Human falling in love!. It's forbidden love! It's amazing :)

P!.S!. don't listen to the Twilight Haters!. It's a really good book!. Not the best I've ever read, but still really good!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It about a human and a vampire and werewolf in a love triangle, not that interesting to me!. but everyone seems to love it, so maybe you would too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its about this normal 17year old girl that moves to Forks,Washington and she's starting a new highschool and meets a hot vampire and they start to like each otherWww@QuestionHome@Com

its a lame chick-flick with no real action, just solid romance!. YUK!

if you're a girly girl, you'd like it, if your a tomboy, BEWARE!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is about a teenage girl who falls in love with a vampire!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

a girl and a vampire that fall madly in love!. its sooooo good! the whole saga is awesomeWww@QuestionHome@Com