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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Let's be honest: What percentage of books that you own have you actually rea

Question: Let's be honest: What percentage of books that you own have you actually read cover to cover!?
I own a whole lot of books, but I've probably only read 10-20% of them in their entirety!. Granted, some of them aren't necessarily meant to be read all the way through!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I love your question because it makes me face what I have become in the midst of my "busyness" - a book collector rather than what my heart truly wants to be - an avid book reader!.

I am in the same 10-20% category that you mentioned!. So, I deeply admire the folks who are able to read the 70-100% books in their personal libraries!. It is encouraging, inspiring, and motivating!.

I think it's time for me to pick up and commit to some of the books in my vast collection!. (Sigh) I have an abundance of books and so little time to read! Time to start changing that!.

Thank you for asking!Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's a great question!. It makes me sad though!. :(
I own over 200 books - (I love ordering books online and I do it constantly, surprises in the mail are so much fun!. haha) but I have read only a little over half of them!. Its hard to be a full-time student and have a full-time job and still find time for pleasure reading!. I always keep a reading list though and I'm constantly working my way down it!. My vacations are always when I catch up!!

*Edit* Sad Lil Dolly - "(the Twilight series is the) crowning achievement in literature!. Once you have read these masterpieces it is advised you burn any other books!. "

Really!?!?!? I think the best thing about the Twilight series is that it has obviously instilled a love of reading for many young people, but to call the series the CROWNING ACHIEVEMENT in literature!? That saddens me, as does your Nazi desire to burn books!. Expand your mind and read a book that you will learn something profound from!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've read 95%(About!.) That's mainly because I just went on a book-buying rampage, and bought about 20 that I haven't got a chance to read yet!. I had about 10 others that I hadn't finished yet, either because I haven't gotten to them or I started them, realized they were awful, and put them away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I haven't bought a book in years - - too many I already bought and still have sitting around the house unread (probably 80% or better)!. I get all of my current reads from the library - I do finish most of them though (although the recent James Patterson books haven't been worth finishing)!.


I'd have to say 95% because if i see a book on my bookshelf that I haven't read yet it really bothers me!. I'm also a huge re-reader and probably have re-read all of my books at least twice!. The other 5% are the books I couldn't get into!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I never read every word in a book, i skip the unimportant ones, but i have read at least 90% of the books on my shelf from begging to endWww@QuestionHome@Com

about 80 something percent!. I read them cover to cover, but i skip a page or a paragraph, or something small like that if i think the story is going nowhere!.!.!. but really, who doesn't!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

100% but i'm a speed reader and most of it i forget within a couple months, others i've read millions of times!.

that reminds me, i need to get more books!. thanksWww@QuestionHome@Com

100% fully!. unless it's going nowhere/boring in the middle!. i doubt i'll keep reading!.
but i love reading, and most of the books i buy are good (:Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read them, fully, but I don't read every word, sentence and paragraph!.


Every book that EVER comes into my hands is read cover-to-cover, excluding reference books!. So 98% of the books I own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have recently bought about 150 or more books for my collection to read I have hundreds of books and have read about 75% of them!. My books are very well read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I normally read the books I own!. I would say about 75%!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of them, except ones I receive as presents etc!.
So probably around 97%!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why wouldn't you read all of every book you buy!? I read everything in my books, and then I re-read them again later!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

probably about 80% ishWww@QuestionHome@Com

Roughly 70%!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have read about 90% of the books I own, because the other 10% are being kept for when I'm ill or on holiday!.Www@QuestionHome@Com



100%!. I have all three Twilight series books!. That is all I need to read for they are simply the crowning achievement in literature!. Once you have read these masterpieces it is advised you burn any other books!. That's why I only own the Twilight series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com