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Question: What is the worst book you've read!?
I'm not sure I have a personal worst, though I really do NOT like Twilight, Be More Chill by Ned Vizzini, and Into The Wild!. There's plenty more but!.!.!.!.

So, what books do you dislike, and why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You, Maybe by Rachel Vail!. The storyline was horrible and full of stupid, petty teenage drama!. It made me sick!. The writing was horrid, too!. I still don't have any idea how it got published!.
I also didn't like Great Expectations by Charles Dickens!. It was boring and the main character was a twit!.
I thought Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was ridiculous, too!. It was fairly predictable and Victor was a horrid, selfish person!. (Although that's not saying much because I love Wuthering Heights)!.
And last is Three Cups of Tea!. It was excruciatingly boring!. Sure the culture in it was interesting, but that didn't outweigh the tedious monotony of the rest of the book!.

Thanks for letting me vent a little =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some time ago I read a book Mysteries of Paris by the French author Eugene Sue!. I absolutely hated the melodramatic style, overly descriptive language and the entire plot of the book!.

Today Eugene Sue is quite forgotten although when he published his book in parts from 1842 to 1843, the book was an instant hit!. The book was so popular that people who couldn't read had it read to them!. It is said that it inspired Victor Hugo, Karl Marx and created the entire climate that lead to the Revolution of 1848!. Sue was much more famous than Stendhal, Hugo or Georges Sand!. He was bigger than life!.

Does it sound familiar!?

A few years ago I read the Da Vinci Code and now I am struggling with the Twilight series and it makes me wonder if Meyer and Brown will share Sue's destiny!? After all, Sue touched some important social issues of his time but it is very hard to find something deeper in books by the authors I mentioned above!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


It's the most overrated piece of **** I've ever read (sorry for the language, but that's how I feel about the book)!. The writing was just awful, the plot was unoriginal and sucked, and the characters were repugnant and insipid!. It doesn't deserve any of the hype it gets!.

I hated Banner In The Sky too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

John Stienbeck's The Pearl!. I had to read two books for school; that one and Gathering Blue by Louis Lowry!. Gathering Blue was like 300 pages or something, I finished it in two days!. The Pearl is 90 pages and it almost took me 2 months!. It was so boring I could not get through it!
(This was Summer reading so luckily I had the two months or else I think I would have failed English!. also, my parents hid my good books until I read it! -I am a real bookworm so that was painful-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

i actully have hated quite a few books and I am a book lover to the max!

lets see here!.!. !.

Lovely Bones! hated it! I don't know maybe I just felt bad that she died not sure but hated it!. FYI she dies in the very first chapter!

and I am huge Jude Deveraux fan but I absoutly hated her book Carolina Isle!.

Those are the two of the worst books I have read recently!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I quite liked Beowulf, but it wasn't an easy read!.

The worst book I've ever read was The Gulag Archipelago by Alexander Solzhenitsyn!. Horrifyingly depressing!.

No, wait!. It's tied for worst with The Stranger by Albert Camus!. Life is pointless, so I'll kill someone, then die!.

Yeah!. Good times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh god, Walden by Henry Thoreau!. That book is just the biggest load of crap ever!. The fact that he writes exactly what he thinks gives the reader an uncountable number of analogies and metaphors that make pretty much no sense, and the fact it was written in the 1850's doesnt help!. God i hated this bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

Haha!.!.!.call of the wild was bad!.!.!.you are very right there!.!.!.
John Stienbeck's The Pearl!.!.!.boring as hell
Jane Eyre!.!.!.at the time I read it!.!.!.I felt like I might die
The Simirilion (sp!?) Jrr!. Tolkien!.!.!.wow that was scary
As well as The Fellowship Of the Ring
The hobbit was good though!.!.!.!.
Those are some of the ones i disliked alot!.!.!.others that I only semi-disliked as well!.!.but those are the worst :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the worst book, well!.!.!.I havent read any HORRIBLE books, but a really slow book for me was "weedflower" by Cynthia Kadohata, I loved it, but it was slow!.!.!.thats as close to worst!. But I love, just on the bottom of my list of books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the hobbit -extremely boring had to read spark notes
call of the wild -hard to understand extremely boring
white fang -same as above
across 5 aprils -hard to read with all the crappy incorrect language!
mythology-summer homework and i hate mythology its horrible!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is terrible!. So is "High Heat" or something by Carl Dueker!. One of the worst books ever!. Took me over a month to read it!! I stopped reading "Eclipse" it was so boring!. And, yes, I am aware I will get thumbs down because of this!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If a book is bad, I can normally tell by first few paragraphs!.

If the story doesn't grab me by then, I don't read any further, so I would have to say I haven't read any bad books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol i LOVE twilight, but i don't rag on people if they dont!.
mainly books that i read for school are ones i dont like cuz then we end up over analyzing them and what not- the egypt game, the cay!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Roar of thunder hear my cry was the stupidest book i have ever read in my entire life!. I mean i don't understand why books so stupid like that even get published!! it's like come on!! Please give a good reader a Break!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really really loved all three! I really like Twilight, ned vizzini stuff and I loved into the wild!.!.!.!.but i wish jon had shut up about himself and focused more on supertramp's story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"Eragon" by Christopher Paolini!. The cheesiness KILLED me--I could not finish the damn thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Totally agree with Lovely Bones!.!.!.it was disturbing, well at least i think it is!!!! Now i'm also worried about how boring "Three cups of tea" will be because it's required summer reading for me =(Www@QuestionHome@Com

Eldest by Christopher Paolini


some of the books im forced to read for school! they r soo not interesting (scarelet pimpernel =/)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Actually, I change my answer!.

THE SCARLET LETTER was the worst book ever made!.
It deserves to be burned!
it was so boring!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

beowulf - FOR SUREWww@QuestionHome@Com

All the french books I've read so far were hell!. My freakish school made me and my classmates read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oo! I want to play too!

Okay - I HATED Inside the Walls of Troy by Clemence McLaren!. Oh!. Good!. Lord! I admit the first half was bearable but - crap! The second half had characters switching personalities in mid-sentence, strong characters written as weaklings just so they wouldn't threaten the author's pet characters, and such a modern day mind-set for the main heroine that she might as well have been chewing bubble gum and wearing overblown goth t-shirts!. It actually drove me to give getting my own book published a try because I thought 'if this garbage can get published, than the field really IS wide open'!.

'Inside' was a self-inflicted wound!. I also hated Tess of D'Urbervilles which I had to read for class one year!. Depressing all the way through - every time it looked like there might be a light at the end of the tunnel something happened to make everything even worse and the ending was one of those - what the fudge!?! endings that left you wondering not only what the heck was wrong with the characters but where the author had pulled something as outlandish as a human sacrifice out of his as - er, ear!. I still shudder when I think of the time I wasted on that!. Did get a good grade for trouncing it completely in my report though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com