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Question: Harry Potter Fans:!?
Why didn't Harry see the thestrals prior to witnessing Cederic Diggory's death if he had already witnessed his parent's death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is explained by J!.K!. Rowling!.
"The Thestral is a reptilian winged horse, visible to anyone who has witnessed and accepted a death"
"Harry did not see his parents' deaths, only a flash of green light!." This is stated on J!.K!. Rowlings site!.
It should also be noted that Harry first sees the threstrals at the beginning of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix!. He should have been able to see them at the end of Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire as he saw Cedric Diggory die before then, but J!. K!. Rowling explained this was because Harry needed to accept that Cedric was dead before he could see thestrals!. Ironically, Harry never actually saw Cedric die, however, as his scar hurt him so much that he fell to the floor and heard Cedric drop after the Avada Kedavra hit Cedric!.
Harry was unconscious (or nearly so) when Quirrell was killed!. Albus Dumbledore came to Harry's rescue, pulling Harry off of Quirrell while Harry was blacking out due to the pain in his scar!. He didn't see Professor Quirrell die then!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I don't think Harry actually saw his parents die!. His mother took him upstairs before James was killed!. And he was lying in his crib when Lily was murdered and he probably couldn't see out of it at the right angle!. You actually have to "see death" to see the thestrals, I do believe!.
Though, he probably should have been able to see them at the end of the Goblet of Fire, according to the original description given to the reader in The Order of the Pheonix!. But that was explained by JK Rowling at a different time!.
Hope I helped!

Dude, the answerer below me totally said the exact same thing as me!. Not cool!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Harry was only one years old when he witnessed his parent's death and you have infantile amnesia and really can't remember anything before age three so he dreamed about it and everything and when he wa sa baby his sight wasn't as far away so maybe he didn't really see it he just seen the green light and his mom laying on the floor!. So maybe in order to see the thestrals you have to see death understand it and accept it for what it is!. That is my philosophy on the matter hope I helped!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats actully a really good question that I never thought about before!. But here is the answer that I think is correct!.

His father was killed in another room trying to keep Lord Voldermort out!. Lily was killed in the same room but Harry was in the crib theres a possiblity he could not see it from where he was!. also does it count if you can not remember seeing the death!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ummm!.!.!.!.maybe he didn't remember it!.!.!.since he was a baby!. Wait!. NO! Sorry!. I remember!.!.!. usually, to get to Hogwarts, don't the students usually use boats!? Not carriages!? So, maybe that year he saw the threstrals was the FIRST year that Hogwarts used carriages!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

He was a baby, and so it wasn't real to him like it was when he saw Cedric die!. When he went on vacation, he mulled over it and the shock wore off!. That's why he only saw them when he got back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because he never actually saw them die!.


because its not real, sorry if i have dissapointed youWww@QuestionHome@Com