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Question: Team Switzerland!?!?!?!?!?
Where did team Switzerland come out from!. I know about team Jacob&Edward but not team Switzerland!.

Any help plase!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Team Switzerland is for people who like BOTH Jacob and Edward!. if you remember i think it was in Eclipse where Bella mentioned that she's Switzerland in the conflict between Jacob and Edward!. she's neutral!. so people who are Team Switz are neutral!. hope this helps!Www@QuestionHome@Com

In Eclipse, Bella says that she is Switzerland, meaning that she is neutral!. She wants to spend time with Jacob and Edward both!. They are both important to her, so she is neutral!. Historically, Switzerland has been a neutral country, as well!. They didn't take sides in WWII, for instance!.
So Team Switzerland is people who don't have a preference on who Bella chooses, whereas Teams Edward and Jacob obviously do!.

Hope this helped =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It comes from something Bella said: "I am Switzerland!. I refuse to be shaken by territorial disputes of mythical creatures!." (This isn't the exact quote, I know!. Sorry!.) Because Switzerland was neutral in the World Wars!. If you're Team Switzerland, it basically means you like Edward and Jacob equally!.


Bella told Jacob she was Switzerland!. She said that in her mind, she doesn't see werewolf and vampire!. She sees Jacob and Edward!. And she loves them both!. So she tells him she's neutral-- she's Switzerland!.

Team Switzerland is for those who are neutral!. It's the Team for people who love Edward and Jacob both!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There's a point in the book when Bella says she's neutral because she cares fore both Edward and Jacob!. Vampires and werewolves should be enemies, but Bella is neutral like Switzerland!. Team Switzerland means you don't have a preference, so you're neutral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Switzerland means you are neutral and are not going for Jacob nor Edward!. Switzerland is a neutral country in the world today!. That is why stephenie meyer uses the term Switzerland!. Switzerland = neutral!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It talks about switzerland in eclipseWww@QuestionHome@Com