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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone know the "dark story" of Cinderella?

Question: Does anyone know the "dark story" of Cinderella!?
What happened in that one, and why is it so "dark" !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You can read it at this web address!. Enjoy!. This is the story that I read as a child!.


Do you mean the original Grimm's fairy tale!?

Perfectly gruesome!. When the prince came around with the glass shoe, one sister cut off her toe to get the shoe to fit and the other cut off part of her heel to get it to fit!.

And if I'm not mistaken, the stepmother was punished by being fitted with a pair of metal shoes that were heated to red-hot and she was made to dance until she died!.

The last bit may have been from a different Grimm's tale, though!. Gave me nightmares for weeks when I first read them at the age of 8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There are hundreds, possibly thousands of renditions of the Cinderella story!. Nearly every country has its own twist on it!. So presumably, one of them is bound to be dark!. I'm sure there are books about all the different Cinderellas!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't remember everything that made it dark, but I do remember that when Prince Charming arrived with the glass slipper, the evil step sisters cut off sections of their feet so the slipper would fit!. Sorry I couldn't help you more!.
