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Question: British Harry Potter books online!? Help!?
I loooove Harry Potter with a passion!! I've read all the books multiple times!. I know that there is a American and British version of the books, Well I of course only own the American ones because I bought them here!. I really want to read what J!.K!. originally wrote!. So do you know where I could buy them online!?

Thanks for your answers!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
amazon and ebay!. go to britain!! a perfect excuse to travel!!!!you can also get them in canda if you know where to go!.

you can order them from blackwells (british bookstore), but it'll cost you in pounds (british dollar) and compared to the USA dollar you're going to have to pay twice as much and a bit more!.

good luckWww@QuestionHome@Com

UK ebay has loads of listings for the UK versions:


I found both the individual books and a boxed set on amazon!.com!. The link is below!.


the only difference is the title of the first book and that the engliah ones have crappy childish coversWww@QuestionHome@Com