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Question: How do I make myself want to write more often!?
Whether it's poetry, journalism, fiction, journal writing!.!.!. how do I acquire more self-discipline to keep writing!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Writers who wait for the Muse's arrival are hobbyists at best!. If you're serious about writing, try the BIC method!.

That's your butt in chair for a set amount of time every day, minimum 30 minutes!. (An hour or more is better!. You want to write this novel, poem, etc!. or not!?) During BIC time you have two options, and only two!. You may write, or you may not write!. You can't listen to music, be online, have the TV on in the background, play a computer game, do writing-related research, read what you've already written, adjust your outline, eat, smoke, drink, or anything else!. Write or don't, period!.

Most days, you'll write!. On the best days, you'll 'catch fire' and go beyond your assigned time, which is great!. However, you can't amass credit!. The next day, you still owe the same amount of BIC time as every other day!.

Teaching yourself to write even when it doesn't come easily or you don't feel like it is part of the road to being a professional writer!.

Best of luck with BIC!. Commit to it for one month and see how much you've accomplished at the end of that time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I find that giving myself half an hour to an hour every day to just write/read helps me to stay focused on my writing!. Even if I don't produce anything, just giving myself time to write each day disciplines me and allows me to concentrate on my writing!.

I find that experiments/prompts also help and inspire me in my writing!. Sites like www!.languageisavirus!.com have given me some great inspiration when I can't come up with anything to write about!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You don't need to push yourself!. Making yourself write when you don't want to will basically clog your creativity!. Just write things as they come to your head!. Keep a notepad with you where ever you go, maybe one small enough to fir in your pocket, and write whenever insparation hits you!. If you get stuck after a couple pages, no sweat!. When you absolutely can't think of anything, you can flip through your book and maybe continue the story you wrote earlier!. Don't be afraid to have more than one plotline in your head!. You'll figure it out sooner or later, and if you can't, the story's either too simple or too complicated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try keeping a journal by your bed and
a) writing your dreams down in it every morning when you wake up, or if you think that's too corny then
b) try writing about your day every day before you go to bed
or bothWww@QuestionHome@Com

Watch people ((but not in a creepy way!!!)) and write down what you think they're thinking and where they're going and make up stories for them!. It's hard to stop once you get going!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Clearly it's not your thing!. Try another hobby!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The more I read the more I get inspired!.Www@QuestionHome@Com