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Question: Persiphone_hellecat!?
What happened to Persi!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMG she got suspended!
Didn't see that coming!. Probably due to the Twilighters who really hate her!.
She'll come back though, mark my words!. Judas Rabbi (TA of the polls and surveys section) gets suspended all the time, and he always makes a rebound!. I wouldn't worry about it if I were you!.

She claimed to be an author and ghost writer but never revealed her name so others could check out the claim!.

I saw several requests for proof that she really was an author!. She wrote on her profile that she would reveal the name of her (new!?) book mid-June!. June came and went!. It didn't happen!. Then she claimed harassment and refused to answer more questions!. Still no proof of an actual book!.

A quick google of other websites reveals (eg Absolute Write) she calls herself Charie and she claims to be bipolar!. She is banned at Absolute Write for very good reason - you can read why there but it ain't pretty!.

Maybe she just got caught in the space between the truth and her claims!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Suspended, suits her well for going about, meddling in other people's matters!.!. Seriously now, she got herself into trouble, going about reporting them fans of books such as Twilight and Harry Potter, sure I don't like Twilight, but I'm not going to post in each Twilight\Harry Potter question!.!. "This is a violation the the guidelines, if you've even read them you'd know that asking this is a violation, and you should research before you ask"!. Well that is NOT an answer to the question, whether it is a question that happens to be a violation or not, her answering this IS a violation!. If she read the guidelines herself, she would've realized that what she's doing is a violation, and that people are going to report her for her action!.
I do not hate her, nor do I care that she got suspended or not, but she caused this to herself! She must face the consequences of her actions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whoa!. Persi got suspended!.
Must be all the Twilighters here teamed up to kick her out!.
She kept putting Twilight down!.
She was so asking for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Summer Holidays!? Perhaps the lady will be back sometime in September!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hopefully she didn't get suspended!. :( If she did, I feel like someone has died!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

she was getting harrassed by some people, so she shut a lot of stuff down!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think she got suspended!.


I don't know, suspended!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

idk!.!.!.she was one of my contacts and she just disappeared!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

come on, she can't sit every minute of her life on answers!.yahoo!.com!.
she must be on a vacation or something!. i'm not particularly missing her!. she gives goody goody answers, like that-is-illegal kinda things!. but other than that, i thnk she must b nice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com