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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Persiphone_Hellecate got deleted?

Question: Persiphone_Hellecate got deleted!?
Did she just go on too much of a rampage in Twilight questions or something!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It must have been childish Twilight lovers reporting her because they can't handle the fact that she's a human being and actually has opinions!.

I don't understand why Twilighters feel so offended when someone puts down their book!. It's like a religion to them! If they really loved the books as much as they say they do, they wouldn't feel so inclined to throw mud! It's like me and my novel!. If someone doesn't like the premise or plot of my novel, I don't care because my love for my novel is greater than my dislike of the comment!.

EDIT: It is a shame!. But I've also heard rumors that a bunch of accounts with good reputations are getting delted because of a random group of trolls coming on here!. All it takes is two people to report an answer--and even if the answer isn't breakig a rule--that person gets a violation!.

It makes me quite angry that her account got deleted because of a bunch of stupid Twilight fans!. And I'm positive I must have reported those Twilight fans millions of times and yet they're still crawling around!? Something tells me it's more than that!.!.!.

EDIT: Actually, it does mean she's gone because I have contacts' avatars still in my contacts lists and they have been deleted for months!. You can even check them out for yourself!. Nisreen and Callie M are two of my contacts, but their avatars are still in my lists!. Yahoo doesn't keep track of what they do as well you think they do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think what most Twilighters are missing all together is that Persi's rage seems aimed at what she describes as Edward's abusive traits!. She is furious that young girls see such a character as romantic and dreamy and that these girls relate to Bella, who, according to Persi, is a "doormat" and yet will lie to her father or do whatever she feels is necessary in order to be with Edward!.

I haven't read Twilight, but if Persi's analysis is correct, I can understand her outrage toward anything that seems to psychologically encourage girls to admire these characters to the point of obsession!.

Persi's profile has been deleted from the site, at least for now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are people even beginning to think that Persiphone_Hellecat's 'account' was 'deleted'!?
All you have to do is look at the top of every page on Books and Authors to see her avatar and the fact that she is Top Contributor to know her 'account' is not gone!.

Use a little common sense!.
Y!A would not have that pic and info up there for someone who has had their 'account deleted!.'
Just think about things before reacting, and questions like this do not have to be asked!.

It does make me glad to read here that the woman has fans who appreciate all she's done on this site!.
For that only, thanks from me!. She is a great asset here, and, if you check in every day, you'll see that she does too, most days, to answer at least a few questions!. I saw her answering questions just yesterday!.

This site seems to be suddenly full of rumors about this!.
Please don't listen to any without thinking, without looking at direct evidence of continued participation!.
Not all of us who have read Twilight like it and we do reserve the right to say so without over-reactive denouncements, such as those read in a similar, but vitriolic, question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Whatever she was is irrelevant!. Persiphone was an excellent user here!. I hope she comes back!. She gave excellent advice and totally valid criticism!. So many people here have benefitted from her!.

Its sad that she got her account deleted!. Very sad, for Yahoo!Answers Books and Authors!. Just because she hated a particular series doesnt mean that she was not good!. I have seen people calling her bitchy for hating Twillight!. Come on, its her individual right to hate or like a book!. And yes, she said many times (if anyone was paying attention!) that she disliked Twilighters (Twilight Twinkies as she called) because they sent her too much hate-mail!. Who would like that!?

Then there were those who hated her as a writer!. She had a new book this summer and Yes the book came out!. It was out for sale!. She never promoted herself as a writer on Yahoo!Answers!. Just how professional is that!? Something I respect her a lot for!. But this new book was for some library, so she told people about it!. Her part in the book appeared under a pen-name!. This she wrote on her profile as well that there rae too many people harrassing her!.

TW KWww@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, you are all right that it is a shame that such a great advice consultant is gone from the website!. Second of all, I understand that you have read the books to give it a chance, but, did you really!? I mean, most of you read the books to prove to yourself that they really are horrible and bad and not academic!. But to read a book with false pretenses, means you are not going to enjoy them like you would have if you had not read them to prove your points!. Third of all, you are right that twilight readers can be belligerant and annoying about twilight!. But you are wrong when it comes to all twilight readers are belligerent and annoying!. You are wrong that we all have low reading skills!. You are wrong that only stupid preteen girls read and love twilight!. I am sad to say that for some twilight readers, this is the only halfway-decent book they have ever read!. But you are wrong in assuming that we don't read classics, or anything but twilight or harry potter!. You are wrong to bash the people who read the books just because you personally didn't like them!. This happened before with Harry Potter, and it is happening now with Twilight, and it will happen again!. I have a feeling that people who bash the books and the readers, do not like it when a lot of people always talk about the same thing, but if you do that to every series or movie or reality tv, then you should be bashing Laguna Beach, the OC, Big Brother, Survivor, The Lost Boys, etc!., etc!., etc!.

You don't have the right to bash people just because they like something and there are a lot of people who share the latter idea!. If you don't have the right to do it, don't!.

And I disagree that you wouldn't do the same thing to say a Pride and Prejudice overload!. Obviously you have some pre - approsed malice towards fanpeoples, I think that you would do the same thing!.

And just for your information, I am a freshman in high school and have reading level that is higher than a senior in college's!. I read all of Jane Austen's books before I read Twilight!. I read Vanity Fair before I read Twilight, I have read many, many, many classics and books other than Twilight!. Don't lump us all together just because you are afraid of us!. Reading and liking Twilight doesn't mean you are conforming, it just means that you share a common interest with a certain story or object!. So, if you are afraid of conforming and saying that you didn't like Twilight, then just give it up!.

We are not viscious beasts nor fangirls, I never reported her, so don't bash certain individuals who respected her malisciuos answers as pure opinions that she expressed in a maliscious way!.

Why do you guys even bash the books, just because you don't like something doesn't mean you have to say anything!. I understand that most are tween girls, but if you don't bash them, then they probably won't report you!. It's that simple!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She didn't do anything wrong!. The fangirls destroyed her!. Answering one or two questions snarly doesn't merit her getting suspended!. But every time she answered a question, she'd get reported by the stupid fangirls who didn't realize how much she actually helped this forum!. She started getting violation notices for ALL her answers, not just the twilight related ones!. Those vicious beasts hounded her!.
To Mermaid
Second of all, I understand that you have read the books to give it a chance, but, did you really!?
Yes, I read it before all the hype!. None of my friends had read it, so I had no inkling of what they thought!. and I hated them!.

Third of all, you are right that twilight readers can be belligerant and annoying about twilight!. But you are wrong when it comes to all twilight readers are belligerent and annoying!.
Not all of you are annoying, but on this forum, 99% of them are!. Those are the ones that make themselves known, and give the rest of you a bad rap!.

You are wrong that we all have low reading skills!.
We don't say you all do!. That's stereotyping!. A lot of them do!. But not all!.

You are wrong that only stupid preteen girls read and love twilight!.
It is not just stupid preteen girls, but at least 75% of the twilighters ARE tween girls!. That's whom the books are aimed at, and, when browsing this forum and others, that is what makes up the fanbase!.

But you are wrong in assuming that we don't read classics, or anything but twilight or harry potter!.
We don't assume you all don't!. I know many that do!. But when you get the little girl going OMG TWILIGHT IS THE BEST EVER, it's pretty much safe to assume that they haven't started branching out in their reading!.

You are wrong to bash the people who read the books just because you personally didn't like them!.
On this forum, this is partly untrue!. There are a few who bash the readers, but most of us bash the books themselves, not those who read it unless we're pointing out how stupid it is to be 'in love' with a fictional character!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i don't know, but her profile seems to have been removed!. Personally I found her hostility towards Twilight rather tiresome, there are few things more tedious than literary snobbery!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight Mafia must've had her whacked for disrespecting the family!. It's a damned shame, she was awesome!. Hope she gets back on!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't speculate or start rumors!. I am sure she can find a way to tell us the truth!. Hopefully if she was deleted, she can appeal!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a shame she has gone, I also had 2 vilolations in one day over what I had said about the book Twilight so guess they really don't like being put down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol was she anti twilight or pro twilight!?

Geeee it must be a sin to hate Twilight!.!.!.!.or maybe to much hatred got to many people and they complained about her!? hmmmmWww@QuestionHome@Com

Poor Persiphone!. I liked her answers, voted her for most of the time!. Hope she gets back!.Www@QuestionHome@Com