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Question: Do you know fictionpress!.com!? I need your help!!!!?!?!?
So I just got an account on Fictionpress a few days ago!. Unfortunately, I don't know what to do now!. It says:

"To submit a story to the site, you must first upload the story file on your computer to the Document Manager!.
Once a document has been created, you can then convert the document to a story via this page!. "

I have no idea what this means or what to do now!. I'm technologically-challenged, and I really need someone to explain this!. Please!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Okay, first write your story and save it in microsoft word!. Then go to fictionpress, go to your documents!. Do you see a button that says browse!? If so, click it and go through all the document names that pop up!. Double click your title, and then you should be all set!.

I'll go double check, I haven't used my fiction press account in about two years!. It's really confusing when you start out, but it's a piece of cake once you get used to it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com