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Question: Twilight Fans!! What does Edward mean when he says!.!.!.!?
In New moon on page 452 when Bella slams into Edward to stop him from stepping in the sunlight to provoke the Volturi, Edward says, "Amazing, Carlisle was right!." He was all peacefull and not really surprised or overjoyed to see bella or to see her alive for that matter!.

What did he mean when he said that and why wasn't he happier!? It was like he was expecting her!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Carlisle believes in an afterlife, heaven, for vampires and for Edward, his heaven was Bella!. So, he thought that he had died and went to heaven and that's how Bella was there!.
It explains it later on in the chapter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward was planning to kill himself, or at least be killed by stepping out in the sunlight to expose the vampires' secret!. When Bella is suddenly there (because she's supposedly dead as well after the cilff diving and Rosalie said-so game!.!.), because he thinks he's dead, he believes Carlise's theory about their afterlife which is that vampires do have souls and go to some sort of heaven or Heaven; instead of his theory that they're damned to just die and be nothing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

edward thought that when he became a vampire you loose your soul so you don't go to heaven or hell because you have no soul but carlisle believes you still have a soul and you do go to heaven or hell!. so edward thought that he was in heaven when he saw bella and he said ''Amazing Carlisle was right'' [ about going to heaven or hell ] and then he smelt bella so he thought it was hell!. he was peacefull because he thought he was dead!.!.!.and he was expecting her because he thought she was dead!Www@QuestionHome@Com

He said, "Amazing, Carlisle was right!." because Edward thought he was dead and because he saw Bella, (he thinks when Bella dies, she'll wind up in Heaven) he thought he must be in Heaven, then!. Edward thinks all vampires are soulless creatures destined to be damned to eternal hell!. But Carlisle thinks that some vampires get to go to Heaven, too!. So Edward said "Carlisle was right!."

Did you get it!? I hope I didn't confuse you! :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

He says Carlisle was right because he thinks hes in heaven!.
Carlisle believes are wants to believe that they all still have a chance to get into heaven because of they way the live!. And Edward thinks Bella's dead so when he sees her he thinks hes also died and that Carlisle was right and they do go to heaven!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward thought Bella was dead , so when he saw her , he thought he was dead also!. Carlisle was talking about the afterlife with Bella , and something about how Edward agrees with him to a point!. Bella also uses it to prove that Edward has hope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Edward thinks that he is in heaven with Bella, who he thinks is dead!. He says "Carlisle was right" because Carlisle always believed vampires had souls and could make it to heaven, while Edward didn't!.


He meant that Carlisle was right that vampires really do have souls and can go to heaven!. He was not suprised to see Bella cause he thought he was dead!.Www@QuestionHome@Com