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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What the crap does spunk ransom mean?

Question: What the crap does spunk ransom mean!?
i know its always referred to with Robert Pattitson or Edward, but what does it really mean!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was in one of the "Twilight Tuesday" interviews with Robert Pattinson!. He was asked what he thought of the nickname "RPattz" and he answered (probably sarcastically, as he tends to be) that he hates his name and would rather people made up a totally new one for him!. Trying to think of an example, he said "Ransom Spunk" or "Spunk Ransom"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

in an interview with MTV rob mentioned that he doesn't like his name!. so the interviewer asked him what he would like to be called!. and out of the blue he said Spunk Ransom!. that's where it came from!. as to what it means you'll have to ask Rob himself!. haha! i love him!! hope this helps!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Robert was just talking about how he thinks that his name isn't cool or anything!. He said something along the lines of!.!.!. "I wish i had a really cool name!.!.!. something like spunk!.!.!. or ransom!.!.!. or somthing like that!."


the "crap" is just a nickname!.
i thought it was EH :/ but , i somehow got used to it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

You dont know what Spunk Ransom means!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!!?!?!!?!!?!!?
!.!.!.and you call yourself a twilight fan!.!.!.!. psht!!!!!

(Nickname he gave himself)lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

*rob pattinson's ulter-ego name is he were a super heroWww@QuestionHome@Com

From what I've gathered, it's what RP said he wished his name was!. So now it's his nickname!.


it was a jole he wanted to be callled something cooler than rob or whateverWww@QuestionHome@Com

ask rob pattison!. he made it up as a nick name for himself lolWww@QuestionHome@Com