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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am going to start writing a love story. I need help deciding on the setting th

Question: I am going to start writing a love story!. I need help deciding on the setting though!!! =(!?
Well, I want to write a passionate love story, something similar to the 'Twilight' book written by Stephenie Meyer!. It will be written by the 16 year old girls point of view!. I need help deciding on how the two characters should first meet though!.!.!.!. this is where you come in =) here are a few choices I came up with:

-Grocery shopping - they bang carts, he apologizes and introduces himself!.
-School class room - shes new!. he introduces himself!.
-School dance - Her date doesn't show up!. She starts sobbing!. He walks up to her and, concerned, asks her to dance!.
-Club - She saw her boyfreind dancing with another girl!. She runs out crying!. He sees her and,concerned, asks whats wrong!.
-Neighbour - She just moved in and he introduces himself!.
-Beach - Shes drowning!. Hes a lifeguard, rescues her!.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Grocery shopping has promise!.
New girl in class is too cliche, don't use that one!.
The dance is sweet; I like that one!.
The club is sweet too, but I like it less!. I think it'd be better if he saw someone else follow her (this one beeing a sleezebag) and that's why he went!.
Neighbor is, well, boring!. ^^
Beach!.!.!. I don't like it!.
Restaurant seems unlikely, unless it's something like a sushi bar where strangers regularly talk (I see it happen all the time there)!.
Park!.!.!. I don't think so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If I can recall Bella and Edward met in the school cafetria!. Maybe if you want to have a similiar story to Twilight then their meeting should revolve around school!. The school dance is too corny and used and the school class is dumb too!. Be more original!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

how about a car accident!.!.!.!.!. or more like a fender bender!.!.!. nothing too dramatic!. I met a great guy that way!. we both weren't paying attention, he clipped the side of my car, no one was hurt, just a bit shaken up!. We decided not to file a report, but I told him I would need his number because he was going to take me to lunch to make it up to me!. He loved that I was so forward!.!.!.!. and what a great date it turned out to beWww@QuestionHome@Com

I like the grocery shopping one!. I don't hear of that one often!. The beach and the school is a little too overdone!. I would go with the grocery!. It sounds interesting!

Good luck :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I was thinking in an orphanage some how
but idk that just kept popping up
Or a waterpark
Or the mall
a fashion show
Office at a town hall
Wishing well
Ice rink
Pet store
Elementary school reflecting on their pastWww@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing seems new!. Even what I am going to say is not going to be the new, I think!. Yet I think this will be interesting!. A hard worker (office, garage etc!.,) loves a beautiful young girl truly!. Daily she has to go crossing his office or garage!. Both knew each other well for many years yet they never had big conversations!. He helps her from school, college and even after she went to a job!. But she doesn't know who really helps her!. At office she faces some trouble!. He helps her in the same way despite his financial problems!. Another man make use of this opportunity says that he is the one who helped her since beginning and trying to marry her!. Heroine seems accepting him!. This is a great disappointment to hero!. But as a well wisher he thinks that this man is the suitable one to her as he is very rich fellow and also good!. He knows that this man lied her that he the one who helped her secretly!. Yet he thinks that because of extreme love he lied and takes it easy and consoles himself!. But at the last moment, i!.e!., before marriage he comes to know that that fellow is a rogue and bad fellow!. Hero after facing some bad incidents reveals himself and heroine touched by his true love hugs him and at last marries him!. How do you like this story!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

--Grocery carts banging together as a 'meet' has been made a cliche by movies!.

--The 'new girl at school' has been done by one of your favorite authors, Stephenie Meyer!. If your story is to be similar as well, suggest you think of an original setting!.

--The school dance holds a bit of promise, though I don't think any intelligent girl would 'sob' just because her date doesn't show up!. She would ask someone else to dance because of the date's absence, and that someone could be 'your' guy!.

--The club: A dance club!? Once again, if you want your protagonist to have some common sense, she would not run out crying after seeing her boyfriend dance with another girl!. Would you!? She would get angry (only if the boyfriend is not supposed to even dance with someone else, which is very unrealistic), and walk up to another guy there and ask him to dance with her!.

--The neighborhood: few neighborhoods these days are very open right away with the new people!. That idea would take some time to develop!. You may need that time to establish your protagonist's personality and family!.

--The drowning and saving at the beach is just too!.!.!. too!.

--The restaurant will only work, I think, if your protagonist is a hostess or a waitress!.

--A park leaves lots of room for development of a story line that will (hopefully) be an original and engaging piece of work!.

Suggest the neighborhood or the park, with the dance as a reserve idea!. My opinion only!. Your choice!.

*Let yourself have a couple of pages to introduce your protagonist as a separate character from the love interest, a character with an interesting life full of small and revealing details, a life besides one just lived for boyfriends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com