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Question: When will stephenie meyer get recognized as the greatest writer in the last 100 years!?
i was just curious as to when stephenie meyer would finally get the recognition as the great writer she is!.

there's no question she is better than Faulkner, Hemingway, and Steinbeck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When the Twitards form a rebel army and take over the government, that's the only way it's going to happen!.

I hope to God you're joking!. Because if you're not!.!.!.!.well!.!.!.let's just hope you are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I sure hope she will be, she deserves it!. I went to a book signing for her when The Host came out, and she is just so connected with fans!. I think that a lot of people who are negative about the Twilight series are more adults or men who don't really connect with the characters because they are nowhere near the same age, or, if they aren't girls, aren't totally in LOVE WITH EDWARD!!!!!!! (YAY EDWARD FANS)!. I think that it would also help if a lot of people would read The Host!. It is an AMAZING book and you can just see how her writing and her writing style has progressed!. And since it is for adults, I think that the feelings would be more appreciated by the adult world!. And Ian O'Shea is like the Edward of that book!. Its like Ian vs!. Jared instead of Edward vs!. Jacob!. I still love Ian and Edward soooo much more!. One thing that will probably hold Steph back from being seen as the greatest author is that she had no writing classes, experience, etc!. There was also one comment on here that said something like there's no depth to the writing!. Some people think this, and I know that all of us Twilight fans don't agree, but some people do!. So maybe by some she will be seen as the greatest author in the last one hundred years!. Maybe a good way to say it is she was the most LOVED author in the last hundred years!. J!.K!. Rowling was too distant from her fans!. I am in LOVE with Stephenie!. And I know a lot of you are too (but not as much as me!.!.!.) Ya, in my mind, she is the greatest author EVER!.

Cate Cullen O'SheaWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm sure you're not serious, but I'll bite!.!.!.

Stephenie Meyer is currently getting recognition for writing a popular series which is fast becoming well loved by many!. Now!.!.!. when will she be recognized as the greatest writer in the last 100 years!?

Just my opinion, mind you!.!.!. not going to happen!. Sorry!. I happen to prefer Faulkner, Hemingway and Steinbeck!. I also happen to prefer Nabokov, Orwell, Lee, Salinger, Fitzgerald, Huxley, Rand, Kerouac, Marquez, Plath, Conrad, and I'm not even getting warmed up yet!
I've read some incredible writing in my lifetime from writers in this last century and alas, Stephenie Meyer's first series, though noteworthy in popular culture, is still not To Kill a Mockingbird or The Catcher in the Rye or Heart of Darkness, or for that matter - The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time by Mark Haddon - a brilliant book that just came out a year or two ago!

Sorry Twilight fans (I can sense the thumbs down coming now!.!.!.), but I don't think Stephenie ever thought she'd be winning a Pulitzer for her books - they are what they are - just good reads!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer knows how to entertain, but her books are nothing compared to the authors of the classics!.

Her novels are not thought provoking and meaningful!.
She has no literary depth, if that makes any sense!.
And her books are something people will eventually get tired of; people will not go back and critique, analyze, and write about her work!.

Seriously, you really can't benefit intellectually from teen series and other roamance novels!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While her books seem to be very popular, she will probably have to wait 100 years to see if they still are!. Plus, she appeals to a very small number of readers, whereas truly great authors have fans of all ages and gender!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

*crossing her fingers* Please be a troll, please be a troll, please be a troll!.!.!.


I love Stephenie Meyer, I dont mind her style of writing at all but to call her the greatest writer in the last 100 years is just a bit over the top!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm pretty sure you're the same person as "LolzEmo" or whatever it was, with a similar avatar!.

I admire your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

NEVER!!!!! She is not even close to being the greatest writer in the last 100 years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

after december 12th & midnight sun!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She won't because she's not!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hehehe, thanks for making me laugh :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

thank you for making me laugh more than I have in a long time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol! You made me laugh out loud!Www@QuestionHome@Com

She is an amazing writer!. I've heard her books have sold more than the HP books! And JK Rowling is worth as much as the Queen of England!. That shold be Stephenie Meyer! lol, jk!. Yea, she needs to beat like all the HP, Pirates of the caribbean, and THe Batman premiere I think to actually be like greatest writer in 100 years!. XD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

when breaking dawn becomes bestseller and the movie for twilight beats batman on opening weekend lol

whoever is giving everyone who answers this question praising stephenie meyer a thumbs down, is out with an agenda against twilight!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

NOW!! I recognize her writing as the best books ive ever ever read!! so there!. she is amazing and her books sell better than the harry potter ones!Www@QuestionHome@Com