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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I need the name of a children's book that I vaguely remember some of the det

Question: I need the name of a children's book that I vaguely remember some of the details about!?!?!?
Please help somebody, this was a book a teacher read to me in grade school and I want to buy it and read it to my kids, the story was about a man who stole children's dreams and kept them in a jar!. He would steal them at night and one girl/boy!? woke up while he was leaving her window!? and went with him secretly!? If you have the author and the title or any other info it would be greatly appreciated!. Those are the only things I remember about it and I can't even remember how it ended!. Please help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's the BFG by Roald Dahl!.

It's actually about a giant who creates dreams and blows them into children's windows; one night a little girl called Sophie who is an orphan spots him, so he takes her with him to the land of the giants!.

They make a plan to get rid of all the nasty giants (who eat children) by making the Queen of England have a dream about the giants, and she gets the army to sneak in and tie them all up and capture them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Suggest two things!. If you want to do this search online, try:
2nd: if you want to have an immediate search, and answer, call your local public children's reference librarian!. They have training, experience and many search tools!.

ADD: thumbs up for Roald Dahl, if correct!.!.!. and it is!.

Roald Dahl's "The BFG"

I LOVED that book!. I still have my copy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com