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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone remember this book's title or author?

Question: Does anyone remember this book's title or author!?
I read a book in 5th grade, back in 2001 or so, about a boy who lives in New York and wakes up one morning to find that while it looks the same, everyone has vanished!. Eventually he meets another boy and two girls and it turns out they were selected to colonize a new planet that takes the form of whatever you believe it to be!. When you start to think it may be another place it crumbles!. Anyway, at one point the scientists come and one boy and girl go home, but the main character and the other girl fall in love and decide to stay!. They imagine the planet looks like a garden and live happily ever after, albeit without clothes because they forgot to imagine those!.
i would really appreciate any help with this; it has been plaguing me for years!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You may try the forum links below , I hope you find your book - good luck !.

Sorry can't help, there's a book I read also which I can't remember the name of!. I gave it to someone to read and never got it back!. It was also about young people, around seven of them who were suspended in a coma on life support while a computer dictated their world!. One of them followed some clues and got out!. Woke up into their real world!. But was able to facilitate their return before anyone, including the computer realised!. The computer was a school and it was as if they were at boarding school!. Weird story but strange how life can imitate art, or in many cases someone's fiction!.Www@QuestionHome@Com