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Question: What do you think about the twilight series!? most described answer gets 10 pt!.!?
Tell me what you like or dislike about the Twilight series!. 10 points to who ever gives me the best well described answer!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's really hard to explain, so bare with me!.

The twilight series is like your average world mixed in with what you never though was possible!. I love it because it's so different from your average love story!. Plus most people like different or they like a change, like me, so these books really opened my view on things!.

One thing i dislike about it is that it's so addicting you just dont want to live in your world you want to live with the main characters and in their lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What I dislike:

The writing is that of an amateur, and cliched terms appear often!. Anyone who reads good books frequently could tell from a mile away that Stephenie Meyer had no prior writing experience!.

Very few characters change!. Most are two-demensional, static, and somewhat boring personalities!.

Bella is not a very good heroine!. She ignores her friends, lies to her father, and does whatever anyone tells her to do!. She is also too dependent on Edward!. Love and obsession are not the same thing!. In my opinion, this is not the type of character that people should look up to!.

Edward has few redeeming qualities, the biggest of which seems to be that he is hot!. Besides that and the fact that he sings her a lullaby, I don't see what's so great about him!. He tries to control what Bella does, and I'm not so sure if I like that!. He also watches her in her sleep, which is kind of creepy, don't you think!?

Having that said, let's focus on the good in this novel:

It encourages young people to read, which is almost always a plus!.

Despite what I said earlier, the general storyline is good, and some characters have cool personalities!. Those characters, to me, are Jasper, Jacob, Carlisle, Alice, Angela, etc!. I like them!.

There is obviously something about this writing that makes people want to read!. Even when the writing is bad and the characters are flat, there is a quality about this book that hooks readers!. Mrs!. Meyer, although not a good author, is a good storyteller!.

This book is meant for teens, so I didn't expect the writing to be great or the plot to be brilliant!. The book has little depth, but it is a light, enjoyable read!. This book was meant to entertain YA readers, and the fans will agree with me when I say that it has succeeded!.

Was my answer detailed enough!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ok I really enjoyed the Twilight series and I'm so excited for the next book to come out but I do have a few complaints!. One is the way that Bella falls in love with Edward with no real reason behind it!. She is so mystified by him that she decided she's in love with him but that's after she finds out he's a vampire!.!.!.does she really love him or love the fact that he loves her!? I also wish that she could choose between Jacob and Edward!. It seems to harsh to tell jacob she loves him and then leave him!.
I especially loved the series because it's a story of every teenage girls dream!. While yes it may set our expectations high its such a powerful love story!. I also think it's good that girls are seeing how edward treats bella!. He respects and loves her!. I think seeing their relationship helps girls realize that they all deserve that same kind of love!. I think it sets their sights higher and that's a very good thing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As soon as I picked up the first book, I found it impossible to put back down!. I love the way the character that is Bella is explained: kind, sharp, sensitive, slightly niave, stubborn and has suffered small losses that she cares not to dwell on too much!.

I love the romance in it and the obvious attraction between Edward and Bella and the fact that there is that similarity between Romeo and Juliet in it!.

Each character is well described and is made to sound so real!.
I loved the first book completely as the romance was new!.
The second was also good although i didn't like the fact that Jacob tried to reck things for edward and bella!.
I liked the fact that we saw how deep their love was!.
The third was amazing as it showed a deeper side to them all!.
Overall really really good!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Diverting beach reading that appeals to teenagers (mostly girls) because who wouldn't want a wonderful mysterious gorgeous man going after the not so pretty outcast in the school!?

It's not Shakespeare by any means and it's really not even that well written, but most of the characters are likeable!. The first book was by far the best, the rest have been subpar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've red the three books and I was disappointed!. The first book was interesting, but the rest were horrible!. In "New Moon" Edward goes away, the only character slightly interesting and we are introduced to the werewolves, doesn't every modern vampire novel has them!? It was so boring, if I wouldn't have been so ambitious to finish it, I would have dumped the books in the trash!.

The "Twilight" series are often compared to the "Harry Potter" series!. Let's get serious, shall we!? J!.K!.Rowling's Hogwarts is a genius creation, it's so original and the story is complex, unlike "Twilight" which contains nothing we have never heard of before!. There have been, for thousands of years, books about vampire romances!. A vampire is supposed to be wise, which is logical, since they spend so many years on Earth and watch humanity evolve!. Edward is not stupid and he died as a human when he was still a teenager, which means he will probably think like one forever, but he still is like a dreamy teenager, I've met guys like him, and they were not more than 18!. What I am trying to say is that Edward and the rest of the Cullens make unconvincing vampires!.

This is supposed to be more of a gothic story made for stupid teenage girls to understand!. No offense, but you will enjoy this if your mind seeks nothing intelligent!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's written at about an 8th grade reading level!.!.!. it appeals to teen girls who don't mind that their expectations are built up enormously, unrealistically high by a "dream guy" who is actually quite a manipulative control freak!.!.!. and the series has been a whirlwind sensation for a few years now!.

I think it's nothing beyond average and that the main characters are unlikeable!. The girl has unbelievably low self esteem and is obsessed in a very unhealthy way with a boy who does little more than "dazzle" her with his predatory good looks!. The boys, Edward & Jacob, are manipulative and selfish, Edward more so!. I'd say Edward borders on emotionally abusive at times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

omg i love it! its romantic and has tons of action!. its not to fantasy ish but not all reality!. its very well written and shows how creatures like werewolves and vampires have personalities and human feelings!. and it tells what happens when a mythical creature falls in love with a human!. it shows how families stick together and that friends are forever!. secrets must be kept!. lovers will stay together!. will bella remain human!? find out in breaking dawn (hopefully)!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lots of girls at my school likes it!. (even this guy o!.o) It's basically about this dude who is a vampire and this Bella who is in love with him!. right!? Sounds interesting but it's a chick flic!.!.!.!.!. book!. so i never read it before, but my girlfriend has all of the books :)) she's such a booknerdWww@QuestionHome@Com