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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you explain why the book Inkheart should be included in a capsule and dug up

Question: Can you explain why the book Inkheart should be included in a capsule and dug up in 100 years!?
Plz help, it's for school, and I have no ideaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
because its about books, and in one hundred years people will probably all read stuff electronically!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because there's lots of extra room in the capsule so the people filling it just started throwing in random stuff!.

Seriously, if it was for the sake of a time capsule, and only over 100 years, there are far better things that could be put in it!. Even if it was 1000, or 10,000 years, then there are both better or even more culturally influential books to put in (ie, I'd put in LOTR as an example of good writing, or Twilight as an example of what's popular)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Have you read it!? If you have, just focus on the parts that you thought were great - writing, characters, setting, etc!.

If you haven't, I suggest you start reading it and do your own assignment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it is way to kiddy!. and it's something kids can live withoutWww@QuestionHome@Com