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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Prequels....and have you ever done something big to suit a desire...or feeling?

Question: Prequels!.!.!.!.and have you ever done something big to suit a desire!.!.!.or feeling!?
If you read my question with the subject: Have you ever gotten extremely attached to a character in your story!?

You'd know what's going on!. Anyway, because of my insane love of Danny, I've started to right a prequel, just to feel like I have him back!.

So there are two questions here:

1!. What do you think about prequels!? I know some people who completely hate them!.


2!. Have you ever had a feeling of something that became so huge that you just had to do something to keep these feelings under control!? And I don't mean getting medication!. I mean writing a book, or a letter, or going somewhere on a daily basis!. Consistent yet big things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I am extremely attached to several characters in my novel!.

1!. I think prequels are wonderful if not abused!. There's going to be a prequel to my novel!. There are several antagonists in my novel!. One of them--who isn't the main one--started the problem in my novel in the first place!. I barely touch upon how and why she started it, which is why I'm writing a prequel to it!. And it's also because I feel she's a character people will like once she's understood more!.

2!. Yep!. Happens with my writing and I everyday!. I'll wake up one morning thinking something, and I realize if I don't do it then and there, I could forget it later on!. I'll also go insane if I don't do it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes!. My novel, Grave Street
House, was published in
September 2007!. My second
novel has the main character
from the first solving a murder!.

I enjoy writing, but feel I
must do it!.

Take a look at my blog!.
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