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Question: Books probelms!?
okay, in my book, this character named Mory is a real ***** lol She does drugs and swears like a sailor!. I was gonna have her doing Heroin, but i had no idea where she would get the Heroin from!. She's not a rich girl at all!. Can anyone help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well, if she's that bad, maybe you should have her!.!.!.
#1- Steal the heroin
#2- Do something bad in exchange for the heroin
#3- Steal the money for the heroin!.
#4-choose a cheaper drug!.

Hope I helped---Join the Black Magic Club!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a case of write what you know!. You can't research this online, or get accurate information from TV and movies!. If you are unable to figure out where somebody in the place your novel is set would buy heroin, then you shouldn't be inventing it but switching it to something you *do* know or can learn!.

If you fake it, people who know will spot the fraud immediately!. There's *always* research, even if you're making everything up!. That's why teachers preach the "Write what you know" line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She falls in love w/ a drug dealer and can get it for free!.

Mory has a low paying job that only someone like her could get - a really not fun job - and she spends every nickel and dime she gets on heroin!.

She sells some of her other drugs to pay for the good stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She could steal money to buy from dodgy dealers in alleys!.

If you don't like the idea of stealing you could use something more!.!.!. rough like prostitution

hope that helped :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

what's the point of the whole story!?!?!? Why does she need herion!?!?!?!? Ummmmmmmmmm is right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com
