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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What does it mean if you are a Team Edward or Team Jacob?

Question: What does it mean if you are a Team Edward or Team Jacob!?
And also, what does imprinting mean when the werewolves talk about it in the 2nd book of the Twilight series!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I guess if you are Team edward you probably want Bella to be with edward and you like edward's personality and charm better!.
If you are Team Jacob it means that you like Jacob and bla bla bla bla!
(You can tell who's team im on)
Imprinting means that when a werwolf!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. like for example was turned into a werewolf and he found this one women and he looked at her and knew that he loved her!. You don't even have to know her!. Imprinting i guess is really serious and if you are a girl and get imprinted on you will NEVER have any doubts that he will leave you!. Once you imprint you love that person FOREVER!! I hope that helped!.
Team edward all the way baby!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beaing Team Edward or Team Jacob does nt necesaraly mean you want Bella to end up with one or another!. It means that your like one more that the other!. Well, no, not even that!. Well for some people this is true but you might like them both but something makes you prefer one over the other!.

Then we have Team Szwitzerland!. This means you don't prefer one over the other!. You like them both the same!.

Imprinting is ment to be when a werewolf (or vampire!. Yes vampire it also goes torwards them though they don't mention it as "imprinting") finds it's soulmate!. The one that fits exacly rite ttorwards them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward & Jacob were created by the fans!. If you like Jacob more you're obviously for Team Jacob and if you like Edward more and think Bella belongs with him you're on Team Edward!.
Imprinting is seeing someone and falling for them immedietly!. Jacob loves Bella but hasn't imprinted on her!

(Team Edward :D)Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you are on Team Edward you want Bella to choose Edward
If you are on Team Jacob then you want Bella to choose Jacob!. If you are on team Switzerland then you like Edward and Jake!.Basically it's whichever one you like better!. Imprinting is like when you fall in love with someone like they are your soulmate , for your life !. It's not something you get to choose!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward/Jacob means who you "support" in the books!. i!.e!. who you want to end up with!.

Imprinting is kind of like love at first sight for werewolves only much stronger!. They see someone for the first time as a werewolf and then they fall in love so strongly that the Person they fall in love with cannot resist the level of admiration!. Sam inprinted on emily!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward--those who favor Edward

Team Jacob--those who favor Jacob

Team Switzerland--those who are neutral, likes both equally

Werewolves imprinting--finding their soul mates or "other half"

--Chelsea :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means that you want Bella to be with Edward (Team Edward) or Jacob (team Jacob)

Imprinting is when werewolves basically see somone, and are their soulmates, completely, and totally!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means you support either Edward or Jacob!.

Imprinting is basically that the werewolf falls in love with someone and they just know that they are the one they are ment to be with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I've only read Twilight so I don't know about the last part of your question, but team Jacob and Team edward is just who you want Bella to end up with!.
(Though again, I've only read Twilight!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward means that you prefer edward and want bella to choose him and vice versa for team jacob!.

if you dont know wat imprinting is then keep reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i means either you want jake to get bella or you want edward to get bella!. there is also team switzerland which roots for bothWww@QuestionHome@Com