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Question: Breaking Dawn release party!.!.!.!?
If you could help me figure out a few things about this party:

1!. What attire should I wear!?
2!. How early should I be there!?
3!. What kind of prizes will be awarded AND what for!?
4!. For the trivia game what do I need to study!?

If you could answer any of these questions you will be the unsung heros!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. I would just wear normal clothes, but if your bookstore is having the 'prom' theme, i would say go as rosalie in a red dress or alice with the black dress!. You could also go as one of the volturi (probably jane) with a black cape, and red contacts!. Wear a lot of white powder to look pale and maybe gold contacts!. Haha and if you wanted you could wear glitter!.
2!. How early should I be there!?the time depends on your book store, the a lot of them start around 8-9:30 though and last until 12-2am
3!. What kind of prizes will be awarded AND what for!?prizes might be books in the series, and they can be for best costume, winning in games, winning a raffle drawing that type of thing
4!. For the trivia game what do I need to study!?for the trivia stick to learning the basic stuff like the character backgrounds and the plot but also make sure you know random details since you never know what will be asked
have fun, haha i cant wait til breaking dawn comes outWww@QuestionHome@Com

If your going to Borders,then here are some info!.


Ask your local bookstore (or the bookstore you are going to!.) They should help you! Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

My bookstore is doing a wedding theme!. I'd go to the bookstore and ask what they want you to do!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They are gonna have all that!?!!!! AWW MAN!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com