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Question: TWILIGHT QUOTE for today!!?!!?!?!!?
Again I just visited Stephenie Meyers homepage and I saw the quote for today:

Sam: "This is not something our treaty anticipated!. This is a danger to every human in the area!."

I mean OMG there were so many bad quotes or quotes that were forecasting sumthing bad!.I mean it obviously looks like there are another vampires or something because sam talks about the treaty between them and the vampires!
What do u guys think!?!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i personally think it is that the voultri are coming
or that tanya's family some how gets involved far to much
!.!. but yea i prefer the random funny ones personally
they seem to lighten the tension of waiting for another week lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well obviously it's not referring to Bella being changed into a vampire!. Someone being changed into a vampire WAS anticipated by the treaty; it was the entire point of the treaty, actually!. So it can't be about Bella being changed into a vampire!. It makes no logical sense for it to be about Bella becoming a vampire!.

I would say it probably has something to do with the Volturi!. The wolves, as far as I know, are unaware of the Volturi's existence!. Likewise, the Volturi are unaware of the wolves' existence!. Perhaps Bella changes into a vampire and the Volturi decide to take the Cullens out!. They've always seen the Cullens as a threat-- if Bella is added to the family, they'll see them as a bigger threat!. Maybe they decide to attack Forks to get rid of the Cullens!. That would explain the danger for humans, as well as the reason why Sam did not anticipate such a thing happening!. He doesn't know about the Volturi, and wouldn't have suspected a mob of vampires would go after the Cullens if Bella was changed!.

Another possibility is that it's about the Denali clan!. They are the only characters mentioned in the series that haven't, as of yet, been introduced!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it has something to do with Bella becoming a vampire, and the wolves are mad because they think that the Cullens will start turing everyone into a vampire!. w/e to that the cullens wouldn't do that!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It means war! Bella is being turned into a vampire and Jacob thinks he loves her!. Vampires and Werewolves being enemies!. This is not good news!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's concerning the Volturri !.!. Ahh I GROW more impatient day by day!.!. I can't believe I could have waited so longWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, OBVIOUSLY something has to go wrong!. What's the point of a story when there's no conflict!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Okay, this isn't a question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hehehe!! I dont know!! it is soooo hard because they are different sentences from dif parts of the book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This isn't really a question---it's more of a chat!. Sorry!. :(Www@QuestionHome@Com