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Question: Is breaking dawn going to be HARD to get!?
My mom prob!. wont let me pre buy it or anyhting!. I really want it the day or day after it comes out but I doubt my mom will be willing to camp out or run in and knock a bunch of people over and all that!. So my question is will it be like tottaly impossible to get it or will I be able to just walk in and get it!. I really dont want to have to wait in a loooooong line or anything
I live in a small town if that makes a difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes!. You will probably have to wait a fex days to a few weeks to buy it!. If there is any possible way for you to pre-order it then you should!. I have pre-ordered it because chapters is having a midnight masquerade release party and they will probably all sell out then!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, it won't be like a people will not be able to get this book kind of a situation -hopefully-!. Most books stores are preparing for the worst!. Double and triple ordering this book so they don't have to turn people away!. They would lose sales to other competitors!! At Harry Potter last year most stores that feared a first come first serve situation made sure they only let in enough people to buy the books by making you sign up hours before the party to reserve a spot!. Go to your local book store and ask what they suggest doing on getting the book as soon as possible!. Some stores allow you to reserve a copy in advance which helps them get a grasp on the number of copies to order!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it might be hard to get it, I know here in illinois if you pre-order it and when you go to the bookstore for the release party the usually hand the books out to people who have pre-ordered first then normal customers!. But with as much buzz with the book there is it might be hard to get it, my suggestion is wait a few days then go and see if you can get the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

On the day/night it comes out, bookstores will have a bunch of breaking dawn books and as much cashiers on registers as possible to cycle through the customers fast!. You can pre-order it, but you dont have to pre-pay!. My friend who works at Indigo says they usually cycle through all the customers in 45mins, and believe me, there are A LOT of people!. So the line up goes really fast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, I have never read her twilight books (but I will pretty soon after I finish Harry Potter!), but I think it should be best to wait for a few days (before a week past if you can't wait)!. It might be a bit too crowded and it can take hours till you buy the book the same is released (that's what I heard)!.

I don't think it'll be hard to get after the big day!. Go to borders!. I love to buy books from there <3Www@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on the crowd and how many people are there!. also how much the book store has breaking dawn in stock!. Ummm!.!.!.!.!.It could possibly be hard to get but its hard to say!. It all depends on speed and popularity in your town!. Your best bet is probally convice your mom to pre-order it!. Thats what I did with my dad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you wont have much of a problem, Harry Potter 7 had a huge flat of books left on the release date at Walmart, so I would go there if I was you!.!.!.that is IF you can't pre-order!. also you could go ahead and reserve a copy at Borders or Barnes & Noble, and then you can pick it up when it's convienient for you and your mother!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you live in a small town, it should be easier to get, but i would still try to pre-order it if i were you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

well seeing how popular twilight is it might be pretty hard to get at a store but you might be able to order it easier on the computer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats good that u live in small town!. so to target or any store!. go there exact time it opens and u will be able to get it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

oh yeaWww@QuestionHome@Com