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Question: AHH! My book! Please help me!!!?
I've been writing a novel for about six months, and I just read it over and realized; I hate the begining of it! It sounds conceded and it doesnt really match with the rest of my book!. Now I am lost with how to start it, because I usually write the begining first!.

My book is the diary of a teenage girl!. In the middle of the book she becomes a cutter, and there are problems going on in her family!. This book is interesting because it is writen to herself when she is twenty!. Please help me write my begining, or give me some ideas or phrases I can start it with!. Thanks so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Maybe you should look through what you've written that you like and then, based on the character you've created, make the beginning show the character!. Sometimes I write stories too, but my characters always rebel against me because they end up hating how I made them look !. !. !. oh well!. You'll probably have better luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Welcome to the frustrations of writing!. If you're serious about it get used to rewriting!. It's what you'll spend 90% of your time doing!. Rewrite, rewrite, rewrite! Your instincts are correct and any author worth their salt wouldn't consider a book finished until they were 100% satisfied that it is honest!.

A book takes on a life of it's own as you're writing it!. The characters become real and the author is in no position to make them do things out of character!.

What you have is a rough draft!. Rewrite it about 700 times and you might be close to finished!. Good luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You mean conceited not conceded!. Don't use words when you don't know what they mean!. What on earth is a cutter!? Something out of an Echo and the Bunnymen song!?

Okay, is this a 20 year old looking at something she wrote as a teen (which would be better) or a 20 year old writing about herself as a teen!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Just keep writing!. Keep the beginning how it is, because people (characters especially) change over time!. Maybe when you first started writing, she was a bit conceited so that's how she sounded!.

If this is not the case, leave it as it is for now, and finish your book!. Then, when you edit it, rewrite the beginning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You might like to have a look at my Writing Blogspot, just put up an interesting post about Novel Writing you might like to know about!. You can find it at: http://hpshappywriting!.blogspot!.com

All the Best,
To your Happy Writing Inspiration,

my advice is to finish the story, which is your draft now, then go back and rewrite it, which is your final copy!.

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