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Question: Do you like my book so far!?
Im 14, and writing a novel!.
Im working really hard, so what do you think!.
P!.s!. Chapter 2 is in cursive, its supposed to be a diary entry which you cant tell on yahoo!.

Chapter one
Ana sat on the back door step the double doors into the bushy backyard opened wide!. Dressed in her underwear with a thin silk embroided kimono draped over her shoulders, she sipped her green tea as the 7’o’clock hot summer day cold breeze blew her not brown, not blonde hair!. How she loved warm summer nights, where the sun didn’t go down until late and the cool breeze arrived when she was home from work!.
Camille walked in the front door, briefcase in tow as she sighed!. “Camomile for Camille!?” Ana turned around to see a beetroot red Camille walking to her bedroom, taking off her work jacket as she walked!. “Why are you so flushed!?” Ana yelled from the kitchen as she turned the kettle on!. “Oh you have no idea” Camille spoke from her bedroom and Ana heard the wardrobe open, then shut!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Well that's pretty good!. I was thinking this morning about good writing!. It's not just the mechanics, but the ideas and flow that keeps the reader interested and in tune!. I think you have a good talent there, see where it goes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It shows promise, sort of sexy and cool!. I know it's still in draft stage, and mechanics like spelling, punctuation, and grammar are not so important at this stage, but in rewriting you will of course need to fix those things, or get someone to edit for you!. Keep going, lots of English teachers or majors can help with the edit, but only you can come up with the basic ideas and details and put them together in a way that pleases readers and keeps them reading and wanting the next page!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No vampires, thank god!! You do have a talent!. And, just my opinion: a few too many adjectives, and not enough commas where they're needed!. But, otherwise, keep at it! I think you're on to something!. A good editor would help you a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW! It's really good!. I think your opening is very catching and very descriptive which is really important in an novel

Looking forward to your next part!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I absolutely love it,

It flows really well,
and there's some lovely description and insights!.

Wow !. You are a really talented writer!. I want to see more of your work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very good!!Www@QuestionHome@Com