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Question: Is anyone a frustrated writer!?
I am!. I want to write a good novel soooooooo bad!. I have so many ideas and I want to be bestselling author more than anything in the world!. I get frustrated because I want this and I know I can achieve it but I can't get started!. I write something and I read back over it and delete it because I feel like it just isn't good enough!. I'm sitting here about to cry with frustration (probably becaue it's almost 5 in the morning and I'm tired :P)!. I don't want this for the fame or for the money!. I want this because I want people to be able to read a novel that I write and it make readers laugh or cry or whatever (depending on what the story's about)!. Does anyone else feel that way!?

Or is it just me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh my gosh, we're so much alike!! Did you read my bio!? I want to accomplish the same thing you do!. I don't want it for the fame or the money either!. I want to see what people think of my writing, my name on a book--everything else but the fame and the money!. None of that matters to me!.

Yesterday, I went back to my work and did a quick scan of it all!. I ended up seeing a lot of things I didn't like and it was two in the morning, yet I felt so energetic!. All I could think about was my novel and trying to make it as perfect as possible but my mom kept telling me that I had to go to bed!. If it hadn't been for that I probably wouldn't have slept at all!.

I'm a perfectionist and I never think my work is ever good enough for anything!. I was talking about this yesterday with one of my members and how they were telling me to keep a positive attitude about the whole thing and I'm trying!. All I want to do is write something great!. Oh, it's not like I don't expect rejection or anything--I do--but I just feel like I can do so much better than how I'm doing right now!. That's all!.

So you're definitely not alone!. And as far as too many ideas!. I'm queen of that!. It's my number one complaint about myself!. I'm always so full of ideas and I'm always working something when I get a brilliant idea, so then I trash the current story and work on the new idea and the pattern keeps going!.

My mom gives me simple advice--don't try so hard!. Do your best and know that that's enough and that's all that you can give it!. What's meant to happen will happen and what's not meant to happen doesn't happen for a reason!. It's all for the best in the end!. And I began working on my writing when I was just your age, so I totally understand!. Everything will be perfectly fine!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't worry you'll get it!
I'm still writing and I realize the crap is what leads you into the great stuff!. So, just keep writing, yeah it's five here too, and i'm writing!.I'm starting to write just post some things and get a few costructive considerism! like i do! please read my story!
ad tell me some things i can approve on in it other then grammer at my questions!.

Here's some of the paaragraphs

I'm a frustrated writer too!. My problem is Inspiration!.!.I desperately want to write a novel,it's the only thing i desire!. But I have no ideas for the story and I'm going mad for it!. I don't know what to do!.!.maybe I'm too concentrated at having an idea that I can't have it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have the same problem!~
Except im stuck x!.x
I have had this brillant idea, and written about it for over a month, its now 36 pages and stuck!.
I cannot think of a good ending and i absolutely cannot make it into those thick harry potter books!!!
driving me so angry!!! >:(
i have not touched it for like, 5 days!. =(
mainly because idont know what to do!
its a dead end T!.T
im so sad!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't give up!. Judging from that last lists of needs, you're a writer born! The best thing I can tell you is simple, but true: all writers are frustrated!. It's part of the package forever!. Along with sleep deprivation and Ben & Jerri's!. But it pays off!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I'm a happy reader! =)

Maybe you should calm down a bit!. Try to writr something, instead of wanting to be a bestseller!.!.!.

Best wishesWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's kinda funny--because I think I'm at my most creative when I'm sleep deprived, haha!. Anyway--about you!.!.!.

You're young!. Unless you're supposed to be a literary prodigy or something--you can't expect your first draft to look as polished as the works of Stephen King, Sir Arthur Conan Doyle, or even Shakespeare!.

I had this one quote by William Zinsser written on a piece of paper and taped to my wall for the longest time!. I put it in front of my desk so I could see it every time I try writing!.

"Writing is hard work!. A clear sentence is no accident!. Very few sentences come out right the first time, or even the third time!. Remember this as a consolation in moments of despair!. If you find that writing is hard, it's because it is hard!."

I realize it's the truth, and keep on writing--even if it's a horrible sentence!. Because I can always fix it as many times as I want later on!. You need to realize this as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks for asking!.!.!.,

I once read a book titled: "Get your Novel Started" and as far as I can recall, the 'Trick' is to just get writing, getting your 'Stream of Consioussness' going without aiming for direct results yet!. Just concentrate on putting your thoughts to paper, Just to get your thinking started write something like for example:

'I want to write a great Novel and I like to make my readers to be 'moved' about it, so let's think how am I going to do this!.!.!.!.!.!., I want the story to be situated in a nice exotic location and!.!.!.!., etc!. etc!. start thinking, just register what pops up in your mind, doesn't matter what!.!.!.!.,

'Just keep writing about what you think!.!.!.,'

just write what you think and worry about organising your writing later!.

After a while if you have some 'Writing Stuff' or your 'Stream of Consioussness' you simply have a look at the 'Stuff' you wrote about by summarising what your wrote about!. And than step by step slowly begin to organise it into your story!.

You can read more about writing your novel at:


All the Best,
To your Happy Writing Inpriation,

P!.S!. I love to receive feedback from my Blogspot readers, let me know how about your writing experiences, so feel free to write comments!. (a good writing excersise, to just keep writing :))Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes! I too am an aspiring writer, but never give up! I completed my first novel a few days ago!. I've been working on it since I was 13 (although I had to re-write most of it) and I can tell you it feels fantastic!. I doubt I'll ever have it published because I don't feel it's that good, however once I go to college and study writing and get much much better, then hopefully, I'll be able to become a published writer!. I would love nothing more than to go into a bookstore and see "By Chloe _________" !.
What you should do is just write!. I write ALL the time (I often get in trouble for it) and eventually you'll stumble across something you think is worth writing about!. When I started it was for school!. We had to write a paragraph for h/w!. I did, read it the next day and decided that I wanted to continue!. Here I am 3 years later and it's a novel!.
Never give up!Www@QuestionHome@Com