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Question: Got a question about New Moon!?
When Alice comes to See if Bella is ok she tells her She flew back to Forks but yet when Bella was in the car with Jacob, he told her he smelled a vampire in her house and she saw the cullen's volvo!. That is how she knew it wasn't VictoriaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think that's a plot hole
cool good eye
yeah I mean she said she fell in, so why is the car there!?
well that funny!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

alice flew to forks but when she got home the cullens are so rich they can afored to abandon there things so at there old house they probably left the cars there then alice whent and got the car and drove to bellas (thats wat i understood)

(thats wat alot of pplz said and i agree with them 100%)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, Alice flew back to Forks!. She didn't see the Volvo, she saw Carlisle's Mercedes!. She wasn't sure if it was Victoria or not, but she decided to go into her house, because she was positive it was one of the Cullens!. And YAY! It was Alice! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Either Alice picked up Carlisle's car from the house (they may have left it behind, but I can't see that happening if they weren't planning on coming back) after flying into Forks, or it's an error that Stephenie and her editors missed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What's the question, dolly!?
They knew it was a Cullen because the car was there!.!. simple as that!. By the way, it was Carlisle's Mercedes!. (You basically answered it yourself)


It was Carlisle's Mercedes!.
When the Cullens left forks, they just picked up and left, all of their cars and things were probably still at the house!.
Is that what you were asking!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

When alice said that she flew there she ment that she flew on a plane to get to Forks, after she got off the plane Alice drove to bella's house!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She saw the car that Alica and Jasper took her to Phoenix in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes and it was Carlisle's MercedesWww@QuestionHome@Com