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Question: Pick the book closet to you!?
i got this from a guy on here and it was a cool idea so i did it too!

Get the book closets to you!

Go 2 page 94 and go 9 down from the top and write that sentance!!

also tell me the books name and who it is by and why you like it or dont like it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sometimes i wondered if he was only pretending he could'nt read my mind!.
- Bella Swan
Eclipse- twilight seriesWww@QuestionHome@Com

"All at once she is surrounded by a clattering, clashing wave of sea urchins!."

Title: Exodus
Author: Julie Bertagna
This book is about the year 2100 and how all the earth's glaciers are melting and flooding all land!. Technology has stopped working, and land is disappearing!. The main character, Mara Bell, has to save not one island, but two, full of people as the worlds livable land shrinks!. also, she has to stop the monstrocity of the New World Sky City people and their monstrous slavery!. Its filled with Romance, Adventure, Suspense, Intrigue, Futuristic realism, and, most of all, the truth!. Its a GREAT book!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"achieving a creatively correct exposure is paramount to" (not a sentence, but you asked for line 9, so that's what I gave you)

It's from Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson - a terrific book for anyone interested in photography!. I love it!. I've learned so much from it already and I'm only on page 70 or so!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lord Loss by Darren Shan

"Bartholomew Garadex was an exception," Dervish says!.

and another book underneath that

Demon Thief by Darren Shan

As I watch, the mouth stretches like a snake's, the thing opening its jaws far wider than its body!.

I like both of them, but most of all Lord Loss, because it has lots of adventure, imagination and it's so scary, full of monsters!. But Demon Thief is the most surprising and sinister of all, I felt so spooked after I read that book!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"i settled quickly into my seat, aware that both mike and angela were staring at me!."

twilight, by stephenie meyer!.
it is my FAVORITE series of all time!.
i've read all three books like a billion times!.
and i most definitely can not wait until breaking dawn comes out!.
i like it because stephenie meyer makes it seem so real!
like i know exactly how bella feels and it seems like i feel the same emotions that she does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"the force that causes it is usually called the Coriolis force"!.
its from "why don't penguins feet freeze" i liked because it has answers to questions such as which came first the chicken or the egg and is a zebra black with white stripes or vice versa!.or my personal fave what time is it at the north pole!. i strongly recommend looking at it if your into that kinda stuffWww@QuestionHome@Com

'Bernhard' said Karl, 'you are not to eat the almond-paste letters!.'

from The Blue Flower by Penelope Fitzgerald
A historicl fiction about the 18th century romantic poet known as Novalis!. I like it, the writing style reminds me of W!. Somerset Maugham one of my favorites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"I'm sending you to Renee, to Jacksonville," he clarified!.

New Moon!.
by Stephenie Meyer

I LOVE the book because, well, whats not to love!? Its a romance/action/fantasy and i just absolutly adore it! =]Www@QuestionHome@Com

"!.!.!.I made you a vampire in this dream because it's the only way a dead man can live!.!.!."

Love Bites by Lynsay Sands!. This is a fun and light series!. I am currently catching up with it as I wait for Sherrilyn Kenyon's Acheron (due out on Aug!. 5)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"How else had he strck upon the one condition that I would have trouble accepting!?"
-Bella Swan

Eclipse by: Stephenie Meyer

I ? this book! It is my ALL-TIME favorite book! Its just Sooooo kewll!

?Team Edward {{8 more days!}}?Www@QuestionHome@Com

page 94 in the book Im reading is the end of a chapter and only has 5 lines!.

David Sedaris- Naked

we're all brothers under the skin!."

I like non-fiction and it's funny!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's the Webster's College Dictionary

Line 9: Blood serum: blood plasma from which the fibrin has been removed

I love dictionaries!. Words are ideas and I'm an idea personWww@QuestionHome@Com

"!.!.!. while he was sleeping!."

A Russian Beauty and Other Stories by Vladimir Nabokov; I haven't finished but I like it so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'Nicolas's brown hair, and on the deep lacquer of the violin!.'

From The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice

"Use the Checklist to learn how to rate a speaking response for this type of question!."

- Barron's How to Prepare for the TOEFLWww@QuestionHome@Com

sloping ground!. But on the east bank of the river, where the

Jim Crace - The PesthouseWww@QuestionHome@Com