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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Fahrenheit 451, How does the characters contribute to the theme?

Question: Fahrenheit 451, How does the characters contribute to the theme!?
The theme is censorship (tell me if im wrong), so how does Bradbury use the characters to express this theme!? like what the character did or said or personality or etc!.
(eg!. Montag's wife (i think!.!.!. -___-'') cuz she has bad memory (too much tv - no knowledge at all))

By the way, this is NOT for homework!. Just a question from a class discussion, i dont get it so im asking u smart ones out there!

this book is short and good! ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Clarisse is a really important character, because she represents the opposite of the average/ideal person in the society portrayed in Fahrenheit 451!. She's thoughtful, she walks, she questions and wonders, and she's sure of herself and at peace in a way that the other characters aren't!. For example, Mildred, Guy's wife, despite fitting in perfectly and watching soap operas and advertisements and really believing in those things like everyone else, she's obviously unhappy (ie her reliance on drugs which nearly kills her) and afraid to reach out (although she's Guy's wife, she and Guy treat each other like strangers)!.

Another good example of using characters to express censorship is Mrs!. Phelps!. She's Mildred's friend, and she's completely empty-headed and disconnected!. However, when Guy reads her a poem, she reveals that she's capable of emotion and starts crying!. This portrays how censorship suppresses one's ability and motivation to think and feel for oneself, and how absence of censorship allows one the freedom to fully experience life and connect emotionally with oneself and others!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Montag burns books to keep the populace from reading and getting ideas, Montag's wife watched too much TV and it probably kept her docile!.

I don't remember Clarisse(!?) or the professor with a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com