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Question: Reach for the book that closest to you!.!.!.!?
What is the title!?

Turn to page 77, count 7 lines from the bottom, what are the first 7 words on that line!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"on lower Sixth Avenue host some of"
"The Nasty Bits" by Anthony BourdainWww@QuestionHome@Com

"above the horizon line!. With"

Sorry, I don't have 7 words on the line - it's from a caption to a photo!. The book is Understanding Exposure by Bryan Peterson - a terrific book for anyone interested in photography!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Page 77 in my book is a picture showing how the great wall of China is possibly a tribute to His Noodliness the FSM!.
-The Gospel of the Flying Spaghetti Monster by the prophet Bobby Henderson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lord Loss by Darren Shan

"You don't have a room set aside!.!.!."

and another book underneath the book above

Demon Thief by Darren Shan

"The mages asked Beranabus to teach them!.!.!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

"remained uncicumcised due to her prejudice against"

Aspire Women of Color Study Bible

Exodus, ZipparahWww@QuestionHome@Com

while were trapped here!." he grinned!.

That is all i know there is only 6 but there isnt anonther word on that sentence also cool Q!

Book: twilight by stephenie meyer

-Twilight <3 Nick Jonas
Days till breaking dawn:8Www@QuestionHome@Com

Writing Young Adult Books by Headley Irwin

"Here is a an un-looked-for bonus in!.!.!."


"at the fire!."

It's the end of a paragraph, so that's all in that line!. It's from Lord of the Flies!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

到了真正的, "天涯!.!.!.
from the - 按锐韵语游戏识字Www@QuestionHome@Com

"!.!.!. the unreal trash amid which I had!.!.!."

- A Russian Beauty and Other Stories by Vladimir Nabokov!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Title- The Riddle

Pg 77- harsh ridges and peaks hiding green, sheltered


'Summon the Keeper' by Tanya Huff!.

'Baby continued to bark hysterically!. She grabbed!.!.'Www@QuestionHome@Com

Obsidian butterfly

too!. The only thing that would earn!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

moments that it resisted the stronger odor

JIM CRACE - THE PEST HOUSE - they are talking about dead bodies!Www@QuestionHome@Com

This Tremendous Lover
"and their end!. Let us, however, examine"Www@QuestionHome@Com

"It's why I called you down here!."
- Judas Strain by James RollinsWww@QuestionHome@Com

"He won't!. Tigers only attack people if
The Tiger RisingWww@QuestionHome@Com


Oh, i know- i just wanted to!. (incomplete phrase)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jewels Of The Sun
'They play a fine tune, yes!.' DarcyWww@QuestionHome@Com