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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is Inuyasha still being currently written?

Question: Is Inuyasha still being currently written!?
*spoiler here*
umm i HEARD that inuyasha and kagome marry!.
and another person said that they dont marry and just live together!.

is this only in the manga!? and not on video!?
and so far, the highest volume i've read is volume 33!. is the author still writing inuyasha!? or is the book where they marry already out!? if so, which volume is it!?

btw on wikipedia, it says inuyasha stopped in mid-story and has no conclusion!. is this because the author didn't finish writing it or because there will not be any more books written!?

sorry these are kinda confusing questions!. i vote best answer =] please don't give me any other spoilers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
For future reference, you might want to post this under Comics & Animation for *more* answers!.

The manga is still being published - what you've heard about InuYasha and Kagome are nothing but rumors since the mangaka/author has still not completed the series!.

The anime, however, was cancelled halfway through, so it has no ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

the manga is still being published and i consider your placement of the question appropriate
the anime does have an ending, it continues until the end of season 7 (or maybe 8) but there is a definite last episodeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well from what I understand, the series ending turned out to be just a rumor!. If you wait a month or so, they should be coming out with a few more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com