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Question: Inheritance book 3, questions and discussion!?
questions about book 3

1!. will eragon get his new weapon my looking under the menoia tree!?

2!. will eragon open the vault of souls!?

3!. will the last dragon egg hatch!?

4!. who do you think will die (i think it will be oromis)

5!. will the urgals play a larger part in destroying the empire!?

6!. is eragon's father really morzan or was it brom!?

7!. who will the last rider be!?

8!. will horst, roran and the rest of carvahall play a role!?

9!. will orik be the new dwarf king!?

10!. will eragon and arya finally get together!?

11!. will murtag stay loyal to the king!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!. Yes! Of course! I think it will be a blue sword!. But, Do keep in mind, Christopher said there will be a fourth book, because he couldn't fit it all into 3!.

2!. I think he will!. I'm absolutely clueless what will be inside though! But on the website they say Eragon will meet a God, maybe the God is there!?

3!. Yes! And I think it will Hatch to Roran!.

4!. I think he will too :( But not before he talks to Eragon!. I dont think Eragon, Saphira, Roran, Murtagh, Galbotrax, Orik, or Ayra will die, because If I understood the video right, there will be a fourth book!.

5!. I think they will!. But then I think they will go back to their home land in the end!.

6!. It's Morzan!. But I do think that Brom was in love with the elf Queen!. He has her ring, and the witch (the one with solembum) said that he fell in love, but it didnt work out!. So i have a feeling it was with the queen!.

7!. There wont be a last rider :D They will start a whole new generation!.

8!. Yes, Roran and Eragon will go off to find Katirna, and Horst and the rest of Carvahall will join the Varden!.

9!. I think he may be, he was his nephew after all! I wondered about that too

10!. I think they will!. but i keep considering if there will be a fourth book!. go to amazon and find the third book, there will be a video!.

11!. I think somehow he will find a loop hole in the binding the king has on him!. I can only hope!Www@QuestionHome@Com