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Question: What made fans so obsessed with Twilight!?
i kno edward is described hot and all but wat else made fans crazy about the book!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The true love between Bella and Edward!.

Everyone wants true love!.!.so the books are the next best thing :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

In my opinion, most people nowadays are so used to reading the garbage that keeps coming out that they suffered a massive shock when they actually read something GOOD!.

It IS a good book, and Stephenie Meyer is an incredibly talented and creative author, but that's not what people saw; they saw something other people liked and got on the bandwagon!. And instead of loving the books quietly, some people decided to shout it out to the world!.

To the person above me; I disagree with your opinion, and I won't give you a thumbs down!. You said that "the books weren't well written and they suck"!. True, the books get repetitive, but I've read a lot worse!. I DO agree with you that a big part of the reason is because people are falling "in love" with a fictional character!. Because he's described as being absolutely perfectly perfect!.

I like what Pax-C says about the pages being hypnotised -- it DOES feel like mind control, or maybe brainwashing, but it really is a good book, I think!.

Right, I'm not trying to insult anyone!. I'm a fan myself, I guess, but I'm a fan of lots of books, and I don't obsess over any of them!. I'm just mystified as to why so many people are so obsessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really don't know!. It's probably just the fact the Edward is "hot" and a vampire!. I personally think that the books weren't well written and that they suck, but hey, that's just me!.!.!.And people, please don't give me a "thumbs down" just because you disagree with my opinion!. If you do, at least have the decency to tell me why!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know why!. Someone said a little while ago that they thought she hypnotized the pages!. Interesting theory!. Personally I don't think Eddie is hot at all!. I think he is a domestic abuser preying on a doormat of a girl!. It does nothing for me!.

And I agree with the Cat!. They are cliche, boring, dull, two dimensional, badly written, horrible dialogue!. I have read better cereal boxes!. Yea - the writing sucks!. Stephanie needs to go back to her "happy place" and stop writing books!. Pax-C

EDIT - Canadian Lily - you don't want to give people thumbs down - but you don't seem to mind insulting them here instead!. The Cat did not insult you!. Insulting other members is against Yahoo Guidelines and you are reported!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

um it tells a story a romance story, so people feel like there living in this book!. It describes feeling and romance so good!. And it's so great!. Like who dosent love a smexy vampire who is with a girl who wants to be with this vampire no matter if he feels like killing her every second there together!. Sometime the emotios in this book people can relate too!. It really dose make you excited when reading it!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's just the matter of an opinion!.

Fine, they aren't decent, truly good books!. Well, let's see--you don't have to read them!. People shouldn't impose their own opinions on other people!. Yeah, the book is unrealistic!. Yeah, Edward's character is fictional!. But that's all!.

You can tell I'm not a fan!. But then, to everyone that hates the books and thinks Stephenie Meyer writes crap, well, look where that crap has brought her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Stephanie's style!.
I like the way she describes everything and the dialog she uses, plus her characters a really interesting!.

Personally, once I start her books I can't seem to stop reading them!. It took me less than 2 days to read each, and only because I had to sleep and go to school, if not it probably would had been less!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, no idea!. I like the books but obsessed, no!. I am not obsessed!. I think its cliche, predictable, and plotless I like the characters and that is the only reason I read them!.

I think it is amazing how Stephenie Meyer created such a HUGE fan base for her books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What i think was the love that made everyone realize and feel that feeling!. It has a bit of action , but it is mostly(to me atleast) how they feel about each other is very intense!!! Words can't describe it i just love it!! what can i say im a girl with OCD!!!(obsessive Cullen Dissorder)Www@QuestionHome@Com

the way stephenie meyer writes the books make them really good and interesting to read, also the character development such as edwards looks help the reader imagine and also what other books are there like this one!? seriously it is a fantastic bookWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love twilight, I think it is the way the book is written and while Edward is a neat character he actually isn't only reason why i read the book!. I love the way all the characters react with each other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

im not a crazy edward fan or a fanatic about the book, i just read it one day because i was bored!. its just an amazing book, stephanie meyers is a good author 2!. its a great book, i think any1 would like it lolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Thats a really good question
I dont know lol
Im in love with the books, but now that I think about it Im not sure why!. The writing is amazing, and the plot or whatever is very interesting maybe that it!.!.!.

It has a lot to do with Edward himself, but his and Bella's relationship really is compelling!. Its what every girl wants!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ya know im not sure cuz i just got sucked into it hahaha i think stephenie meyer mite have put something like a drug in it to make it addictingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a fan because I love how Stephenie Meyer writes!. :)

Edward's good looks are just a bonus!. ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Stephenie Meyer, keeps you wanting more and makes you believe in it!. Its called being a great author!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com