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Question: Twilight dressup!?
I've need to dress up as one of the twilight characters for the breaking dawn opening party at our local book store!.
I am a female who's hair is dark blonde , down to the shoulders and straight!.
I have brown/ honey coloured eyes and around 5'2 in height!.
What character should I be, which one would be the easiest to dress up as!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
u should dress up as esme!. she has the same colored hair!
in twilight when james is tracking bella esme and bella trade clothes!. so what u should do is look up that part and wear the same kind of clothes that stephenie meyer describes!.
or rosalie!. but that would be hard becoming the most beautiful person alive overnight!.
lauren!.(ew!.) she has blond hair!. go as a snobby kid that bella hate!!!!!!
u could be leah clearwater but dont have the right colored skin!.
hope this helps1Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably Jessica!. I think she's blonde, and you get to be human, so there's no need to worry about being pale or rock solid or whatever!. Just get a short light-blue dress, like the one she bought for the Spring dance!. It was a better remembered scene than whatever she wore to prom, or any other time!. You COULD do Rosalie, though, but it would take a lot more work!. Maybe Angela, if you get a light pink dress!. Height doesn't really matter, even though she's "supposed" to be tall!.

If you wanted to have some fun, you should be a short blond wig and gel it into spikees; you can go as Mike! That's what I would do!. :PWww@QuestionHome@Com

Jessica, Rosalie, Angela, or Bella!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
