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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone help me?I mean no harm by asking this question. im a writer and just

Question: Can someone help me!?I mean no harm by asking this question!. im a writer and just need help with some ideas!.!?
ok like i said im a writer and am thinking of writing a fanfiction of superman!. i know everyone knows that superman hardly ever gets hurt so i was thinking of writing one where he gets hurt maybe once or twice!. i mean no offense on writing it either!. but my question is what ways would there be to hurt superman using kyrponite!? like i said i mean no harm!. and its just a fanfiction so if you have ideas on what u would do to superman using his weakness then please tell meWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Kryptonite sewn into boxing gloves!. Rocky challenges him to a fight and beats the snot out of him!.

Or actually what would be very cool would be if someone invented a use for kryptonite in an everyday object that might be found in a newsroom!. Like the ink cartridges in a printer!. And Clark Kent starts feeling really woozy when he picks up his copy off the printer and starts reading it -- not realizing what is in the ink !.!.!. Or even in the ink that they print the paper with !.!.!. even better!. He feels sick every time he reads the paper, only nobody else does!. Cool idea!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand what you mean by "what ways would there be to hurt superman using kyrponite!? "

Kryptonite IS the way to hurt him!. It devoids him of his powers and he becomes weak!.

That would not make a good story since everybody already knows this!.

Try to think of something else!. Maybe a genetic fluke that renders him powerless for a limited amount of time!.

You could write it so that he's trying to hide the fact he is without power from his enemies, but they find out!.

It could be a race against the clock to see if the villains can get to him and he must find ingenious ways to avoid being caught by them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe he can drink it by accident (like, rubbed along the top of a glass), or he could throw himself infront of it to save a girl, or a child!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

An arrow dipped in kryptonite would hurt!.!.!. a small one, more like a dart maybe, we don't want to kill him after all!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't know very much about Superman, but I can try to help!. Here's what I came up with in the last 30 seconds;

Something happens during a battle with an evil supervillan (duh) and although kryptonite is used against him, he manages to win by inches!. Bad guy gets blasted off into space, but Superman gets traces of kryptonite left in his blood!. (I dunno how -- maybe a kryptonite bullet, that he managed to pull out!?) So he's weak and he can't fix it, but he doesn't realize there's Kryptonite in his blood, which is what does this to him!. So he's all confused and tries to fly or run fast or something and it doesn't work, well maybe it half-works!? Anyways, a couple days later he still doesn't understand the problem, and he acidentally cuts himself with a kitchen knife!. Which is wierd, obviously, as he's supposed to be invincible!. Later that day, forgetting the mysterious things that are happening, he jumps in front of a bullet to save somebody important!.!.!. and of course winds up being shot!. Luckily, he was being Clark Kent at that point in time, and wasn't wearing his Spandex tights!. He is taken to the hospital, because he is dying of blood loss (by this time the kryptonite in his blood has spread enough for him to be pretty much human)!. They give him blood transfusions and whatever else they do at hospitals when you're dying of blood loss, which takes all the kryptonite residue out of his system!. A relatively short while later, his blood has fixed itself, he's got his superpowers back, and he's ready to kick some more evil hiney!.

Yeah, there you go!. Don't shoot me if it doesn't make sense; my strongest memory of Superman is of his blue Spandex suit!. With red underwear overtop!. And the friggin cape!. Seriously, if the whole point of the tights is to be aerodynamic, WHY does he wear a cape!? That was rhetorical!.Www@QuestionHome@Com