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Question: About Twilight (a million people automatically click)!?
Okay!.!.!.does anyone find it annoying how people actually find any redeeming qualities in Jacob from Twilight!? I don't understand why some people actually like him!. And I respect that you do!.!.!.it's just!.!.!.why!? And I find it terribly aggrivating how people always say that Edward is obbsessive and abusive about Bella!. Very untrue!.

So this is my question:

For people on Team Jacob!.!.!.why!? I mean, I understand the whole "Taylor Lautner" factor for the movie!.!.!.but in the book he's just annoying and I just want to scream at him, "dude, put on a shirt and have some dignity!."

Hehe!. :-)

And don't go all crazy if you're jacob obbsessed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
first off i love how you said (a million people automatically click) !. lol!.

idk!.!. im kinda on the fence these days!. at the beginning i was team edward !. period!. but now!.!. ive re read the series a couple times!.!. and you start to feel terrible for jake!. esp since jake has saved bella in so many ways when edward left!. maybe it's because he's the under dog!.!.!. even though i am now on the fence of the whole team edward/jacob i do not want to see jacob end up with bella!. but he does deserve a happy ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I am 100% Team Jacob and I stand by my choice!.!.!.
I think alot of Bella and Edward's relationship is based on Edward's gorgeousness!.!.!.I think Bella likes the idea of Edward!.!.not Edward!.!.!.I mean Jacob could of helped her when Edward was away & eventually she would of been fine!.!.
Not only was Jacob there for her in her time of need but he is willing to be her friend even though he wants more!.!.!.and why!?!.!.because he wants to make her happy!.!.!.'
Jacob is really funny, and caring!.!.!.he is Bella's " sun"!.!.!.
I think that he is awesome and alot more realistic then Edward!.!.!.
Edward is too serious, overprotective ( it's true), and sometimes annoying!.!.!.I love edward still but!.!.!.

I am tottally team Jacob!.!.!.
ohh!.!.!.and I have faced the fact that Edward & Jacob probably aren't going to happen!.!.!.



i know i so agree! i mean hes a nice guy usually but he does all these things that are just not nice! like he kissed without her permission! i know how that is and it is not good!.!.!. like at all and it WAS his fault she broke her hand! and hes just like grrr!.!.!. i like him but i don't, aaaand tanyas back right so i hope(if its possible) that he endsup with tanya(jacob)!.!.!. its based on a midsummers night dream right so everything oes topsy turvy with the love then jake ends up with tanya(i hope)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love edward and pretty much hate jake!. i just feel sorry for him b/c he is so pathetic!.
I guess that he is ok; i mean he was the only person who helped bella when edward was gone!. but he is just a great friend and needs to stay that way!
i understand both opinions but i am totally team edward!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that Jacob is extremely annoying, and needs to imprint to have a happy ending, because, face it, Bella chose Edward!.
I would seriously scream at Jacob too, but I'm afraid he'd turn wolf on me, werewolves ARE unstable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not on Team Jacob (or Team Edward) because I'm loyal to Team Hagrid!.

It's probably because Jacob has a funny and outgoing/fun personality (especially when compared to Edward's)!.
He only wears sweatpants because he can't help it!. His long hair makes his body even more hot than the other werewolves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i'm not obsessed with Jacob, but I respect him!.
here read this and you'll know why!.
EDWARD RULES!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

For one why do you care!. pleople are entitled to theirmown opinion so back of, what is it to you anyway!?!?!? Dont worry about it its none of your bussiness!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree!.He irritates me so much! He always guilts Bella into staying and he tries to steal her!. And he kissed her! Arghh he made everything much more complicated!.they should have just been friends!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

"dude, put on a shirt and have some dignity"


Edward has no personality whatsoever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Im Team Edward, who cares for Jacob he's more of the obsessive and jealous oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Im totally with you!. I cant stand Jacob!. He's just so PUSHY!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love edward and jacob to!.
but jacob is sort of annoyingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I am not on 'Team Jacob' but I also don't hate him!. Jacob is just a good of a character as Edward!.

It is actually not untrue that Edward is obsessive and abusive, because he is sometimes!. But he always rights himself and does it out of his undying (LoL) love for Bella!. Which redeems him!.

If you happened to have not noticed, Jacob was a lovable character in Twilight who gave Bella the 'hint' on vampires!. And although he has a crush on her which later becomes a problem, he's really cute about it in Twilight and not at all forceful!.

In New Moon he's also the one to patch Bella up again!. he helps her through her sad times and makes her smile!. I think that's pretty redeemable!. And you can't say he doesn't have the right to be against her loving Edward!.

Not only are he and Edward natural enemies, but Edward also has the love of the one woman who Jacob loves and can never have!. You have to admit, if you couldn't have the person you loved, wouldn't you be a bit bitter towards the person who does!?

Jacob is also very kind-hearted about it!. He didn't tear Edward to pieces did he!? Did he ever do anything bad besides forecefully kiss Bella!? At least he didn't rape her!. You got to admit he's at least a pretty decent guy and was man enough to back down and let Edward have Bella even after she found out that she did love him!.

So please, don't say Jacob is stupid because he isn't!. Jacob is just like Edward in many ways!. He does things out of love, but will make mistakes and try to fix them the best he can!.

So don't hate on Jacob until you actually look at his character!.

And I don't care how many of you disagree or give me thumbs down!. This is what I think!.

I love Edward and Jacob equally!.

But I still want Edward and Bella together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Jacob is my favorite character! He even tops Bella! I dont really think that Taylor kid is all that hot, but I think the character could be hotter!. I like Jacob for many reasons: a) hes more rebelious than any other character, he lives by few rules!.!.!. I guess I like the bad boys b) hes much more romantic to Bella in the aspect of sponteneitity, surprise is never a shortcomming c) he can offer Bella at least a semi human life d) tall dark and handsome, yum e) she loves him as much as she loves Edward d) Hes got more personality than Edward, I just think I never remember Bella saying she had FUN with Edward!.

Those are just a few!.
Jacob Black is the man!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why should he wear clothes!? Like he said, it just gets in the way!. It's easier to go shirtless!. Heck, I'd go shirtless if I could (but I'm a girl, so that doesn't really work)!.

I'm one of those people who says Edward is semi-abusive and obbsessive :D!. I honestly do not see one redeeming quality about Edward and I hate him!. I don't know how people can like him!.

Don't take offense to this, but generally people who hate Jake don't understand Jake or his motivations!. So if you don't mind, I'm going to try to put you in Jacob Black's shoes for a second!. So will you do me a favor!? Read this!. Please!. Please, please, please, please, please with a cherry on top!.

It's called Being Jacob Black!. Stephenie Meyer wrote it because it bothers her that people hate Jacob!. Jacob is her favorite character-- she likes him more than she likes Edward even-- and she doesn't want people to hate him!. It's a 16 page document that briefly gives you Jake's perspective in Twilight and New Moon!. Let me quote her:

"I noticed a disturbing trend various places on-line—people are ascribing the most nefarious motives to Jacob Black, insisting he has some kind of dark agenda!. Some of this is due, in my opinion, to a heavy general bias in favor of vampires over werewolves!. But some of it must be my fault!. Apparently Jacob's intentions are not as clear to the reader as they are to me!. Now, I'm not up for writing all of New Moon from Jacob's perspective (I'm dizzy at the thought), but I did want to let people look through his eyes for a bit, were they so inclined!. (It was supposed to be much shorter than this but you know me!.) So, if you want to know the other other side of the story, here's your chance to walk a mile in Jacob Black's shoes"!.

Just!.!.!. imagine for a second that you were crushing on a guy, but never thought it would work out because he had this hot supermodel girlfriend!. Then one day he shows up on your doorstep and looks like a zombie!. Apparently this girl dumped him, and now he's a mess!. He starts hanging out with you, and you realize you are the ONLY thing that makes him happy!. You fall in love with him, and you realize he's in love with you!. But you don't push him because you know he's still in pain from the girl!. You just help him and be a good friend and hope he can get over her!. But it pisses you off that the girl hurt him that way!. You hate her for it!. Then one day, you turn into this giant hairy wolf thing and you about kill your dad!. You don't know what the heck is going on!. You find our you are a werewolf, and that it's because of the vampires!. You hate them for it!. Then you find out the loser who broke your best friend's heart IS a vampire-- so you hate them even more!. You hate her for making you a werewolf and hurting your friend!. Then one day, the old vampire girlfriend shows back up, and the guy just lets her walk back into his life, no questions asked!. And he completely ignores you!. You feel hurt and betrayed and used!. And you are worried that this vampire will hurt him; you don't trust her, after all!. After awhile, he comes back to see you and you are friends again!. You find out that he is planning to become a vampire!. What!? No!. No no no no no!. He can't do that!. He can't leave you!. He can't give up everything like that-- he can't give up being human!. He can't give up his family and friends and the chance to have kids and the chance to grow up!. Doesn't he see how stupid that is!? He can't do that! On top of that, you'll never be able to see him again if he does!. You'll lose him forever!. Things won't be able to be how they were if he changes into a vampire because of a treaty!. You'll lose him forever, but you are in love with him!. You don't want him to be a vampire!. So what to you do!? You fight and try to change his mind!.

I love Jacob's personality!. He's EXACTLY the sort of boy I want to end up with!. also-- I'm big into being human!. I think being human is AMAZING!. Humans have so much potential!. Our species is amazing!. We can do so much, if we let ourselves!. So one reason I like Jake is because he's HUMAN-- he can give Bella a family, kids, her friends, a future, the chance to get older, and the chance to die!. Those things are all really important to me!. I'm very much in favor of humanity over being a vampire; I'm like Rosalie in the sense that I don't understand why someone would choose to be a vampire if they could be human!. I hate the vampires!.

If you have any specific questions, email me!. I've got Jake figured out to a tee, so if you have any specific questions about why he did what he did, I can give you an answer!. Lol that probably sounds braggish of me, but it's true!. I know Jake like I know the back of my hand!. I promise, he's not intentionally a jerk!. He's only a jerk when he's in pain, because his way of dealing with pain is being sarcastic and mean!. He's not selfish; he did what he did because he wants to save Bella!. He is not pushy because he wants to be!. He's pushy because he thinks it is necessary!. Notice that in New Moon, he was laidback and didn't push her!. He was laidback in Eclipse until he found out Bella was going to change in a few weeks!. He realized he didn't have as much time as he thought he would!. In his eyes, becoming a vampire is the worst fate possible!. It's horrible to him!. He wants more for Bella-- as does Edward!. Neither of them want her to become a vampire, because they both understand that it's not a good fate!. Jake was doing exactly what Edward wanted to happen!. Jake fought because he wanted to save her life!. Again, let me quote Stephenie Meyer:

"Jacob doesn't have a tragic flaw!. He has ONE goal and ONE hope!. His goal is to save Bella's life!. His hope is that he'll win her heart in the process!. He fails at both!. But that doesn't mean he regrets trying!. If he could do it over again, he'd do the same thing!. Jacob couldn't live with himself if he didn't give saving Bella his best effort—he knows it's going to hurt when he loses, but he knows it would hurt worse if he didn't try!. Does he do everything right!? Heck, no! But he's sixteen and he's making it up as he goes along!. Those who are upset by some of his tactics should consider his youth and the fact that he is, after all, right!. Bella is in love with him!. (In the end, it's truly healthier for her to be aware of this as she goes forward with unalterable decisions!.)"

On the same not, Stephenie Meyer goes on to say that EDWARD has a "tragic flaw", as does Bella!. Doesn't the fact that Jacob has no "tragic flaws" show that he has redeeming qualities!?

Jacob is not evil, nor is he mean, nor is he a jerk!. He's a good person who does things the wrong way sometimes!. He's got a good heart and only wants the best for Bella!. I have an easy time forgiving Jake for his mistakes, though, because I like his motivations!.Www@QuestionHome@Com