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Question: Breakfast at Tiffany's: Differences between movie and novella!?
There's the obvious stuff, like how the ending of each version!. But what about themes and symbols and stuff like that!? Is there anything else I missed!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The issues of sexuality subtly expressed in the novella are rather lost, completely ignored or misinterpreted widely in the film!. The movie rather antiseptically glosses over the fact that Holly Golightly and Paul Varjak are prostitutes; thus ignoring the real issue of sexual tension between them - the fact that they have both become emotionally deadened inside by their lifestyles!. Holly refers to Paul as 'Fred' because he reminds her of her brother!. The novella would seem to infer that holly's brother Fred is homosexual, although nowhere does the film imply this!. Either way, an escort who reminds a woman of her brother (whether he's homosexual or not) isn't exactly the ideal romance candidiate; but that wouldn't be good Hollywood box office!. It is a good read, and very short so its worth it if only to understand that Capote (who was homosexual, remember) didn't really write a fluffy romance here as much as an analysis of modern sexuality, morays and attitudes towards them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com