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Question: She turned mean and disgusting!?
Why did my friend turn on me!?
She is a traditionally published author in
history and criticism!. When, she found out that I was self publishing a book for children about animals, she turned into a mean f*ckxxx b*tch!.

She didn't help me even though she is mom!.

Why did my book threaten her!?
I wanted to publish a book for the past 40 years and have only known her for

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sorry to hear about that!!! Although I would probably be more inclined to help if it were in the right section!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Was she actually mean to you!? Or was she just mean about self publishing!? Because it is a fact that there is a huge difference between traditional publishing and vanity press, and most of the people who self publish do not seem to recognize that difference!. That can be very frustrating for those who have achieved true publication, which is a much more difficult and demanding process, at least up to the point of distribution!. I am not trying to put you down, you are the only one who knows what it is worth to you to have produced a self published book and you have a right to value the process however you choose!. Try to put yourself in your friend's shoes though, and listen to the things you have said to her about your book!. If it seems that you are equating your experience with hers she may well be hostile and she would have a right to be!. Anyone can self publish if they are willing to pay the price!. That is not true for someone in your friend's position and she may feel that you are devaluing her accomplishments by elevating your own!. Perhaps you could sit down and talk to her about this!. It would probably be fairly simple to clear up if you are willing to see her point of view!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She sounds a little psycho!. Maybe she doesn't like copy cats!?Www@QuestionHome@Com